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Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity
APO Crest

  "A good deed brightens a dark world...Every little ripple of kindness
	put out there, in any way is surely going to help someone in need, more than you know"
									-Angie Karan

In my first year at GMU, I sought out an organization whose core values centered on service, and I found Alpha Phi Omega (APO) service fraternity.The three pillars upon which APO was founded are leadership, friendship, and service. Throughout my life I have encountered a great number of positive, kind, and charitable role models that have helped put me on a path of becoming a well-rounded and successful individual. I wanted to put myself in a position where I could give back that very same help and guidance. Alpha Phi Omega allows me this opportunity by organizing many different service events on a weekly basis. Our service extends to our chapter, our campus, the local community, and the nation. I will be eternally grateful for the friendships I've made, the lives I've touched, and the life lessons I've learned by being a part Alpha Phi Omega.

Leadership, Friendship, Service:

Boy Scouts Mulch
Boy scouts of America mulch delivery.
Marine Corps Marathon
Marine Corps Marathon.
Park Cleanup
San Gabriel Park cleanup in Georgetown.
Falls Church Recycling extravaganza
Falls Church Recycling Extravaganza.
Relay for Life
Relay for life.
Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program
Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program.