Minor in Japanese

The minor in Japanese Studies enables students to advance their Japanese language skills and
to develop a sound understanding of Japanese culture and history from a global perspective.
Students may focus their coursework on language or on history and culture.
Completion of 6 courses (18 credits) with a minimum grade of 2.00 is required.


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Focus on language:

  • 4 courses (12 credits) in Japanese (JAPA 330, 331, 440, 441)

  • 1 course (3 credits) in Japanese or related history: Survey of East Asian History (HIST 251, 252), Modern Japan (HIST 356), Postwar Japan (HIST 357), Arts of Japan (ARTH 385)

  • 1 course (3 credits) of approved electives: Japanese Culture (JAPA310), Japanese Cinema (JAPA 320), Advanced Studies in Asian Art (ARTH 482), Asian American Women Writers (CHIN 328), Government and Politics of Asia (GOVT 333), Political Economy of East Asia (GOVT 433), Religions of the Orient (RELI 212), The Buddhist Tradition (RELI 315)

Focus on Japanese history and culture:

  • 2 courses (6 credits) in Japanese language (JAPA 330, 331, 440, 441)

  • 2 courses (6 credits) in Japanese and related history (HIST 251, 252, 356, 357; ARTH 385)

  • 2 courses (6 credits) of approved electives (JAPA 310, JAPA320; ARTH 482; CHIN 328; GOVT 333, 433; REL 212, 315)