"Refugees as Labor: Post World War II Displaced Persons in Australia, Canada, and the USA." Journal of International Migration and Integration. In press.
Truth and Responsibility: Understanding Christian Pastors and Priests. Special Issue of Anthrological Forum, co-edited with Marc Loustau. Anthropological Forum 33(4). 2023.
Includes: "The Perils of Being a Pastor: Then and Now." Anthropological Forum 33(4): 297-313. 2023.
"Making a National Program National: The US Resettlement of Displaced Persons After World War II." International Migration Review 58(3): 1114-1139. 2024.
"Diseasescape and Immobility Governance: COVID-19 and Its Aftermaths." (with Yuk Wah Chan). Mobilities 18(5): 805-820. 2023.
"Should America Continue to Accept Asylum Seekers? Yes, Our Founders Wanted America to be a Refuge, and It Remains a Part of Our Identity Today." Ripon Forum 57(3): 18, 20. 2023. On line here
Immigration Structures and Immigrant Lives: An Introduction to the U.S. Experience. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. 2017.
Maintaining Refuge: Anthropological Reflections in Uncertain Times. Co-edited with Jayne Howell and Fethi Keles. American Anthropological Association, Committee on Refugees and Immigrants. 2017. Full text is HERE.
An Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology: Adaptations, Structures, Meanings (2nd edition). Boulder, Colorado: University Press of Colorado. 2017.
The Age of Asian Migration, Volume 1. Co-edited with Yuk Wah Chan and Jonathan H. X. Lee. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014.
Wind over Water: Migration in an East Asian Context. Co-editors: Keiko Yamanaka and Shinji Yamashita. New York: Berghahn. 2012.
Safe Haven? A History of Refugees in America. Kumarian Press. 2010.
Transnational Migration in East Asia: Japan in a Comparative Focus. Co-editors: Shinji Yamashita, Makito Minami, and Jerry S. Eades. Osaka, Japan: National Museum of Ethnology. 2008.
The Limits of Kinship: South Vietnamese Households, 1954-1975. Northern Illinois University: Southeast Asia Publications. 2006.
Cultural Anthropology: Adaptations, Structures, Meanings. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. 2005.
Manifest Destinies: Americanizing Immigrants and Internationalizing Americans. Co-editor: Carol Mortland. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. 2001.
Illegal Immigration in America: A Reference Handbook. Co-editor: Karen Rosenblum. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1999.
Refugees in America in the 1990s: A Reference Handbook. Editor. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1996.
Case Studies in Diversity: Refugees in America. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. 1997. (Abridged paperback edition of Refugees in America in the 1990s with a new introduction.)
Refugees as Immigrants: Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese in America. Editor. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield. 1989.
Refugees in the United States: A Reference Handbook. Editor. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 1985.
Shorter edited collections
Maintaining Refuge. Co-edited with Jayne Howell and Fethi Keles. Anthropology News “In Focus.” June 2017. Full text.
Diversity at Mason: A New Kind of International. Co-edited with Hyunyoung Cho and Karen Rosenblum. George Mason University, Diversity Research Group. 2015. Full text.
Migration Policy and Its Ground Truths: Anthropological Perspectives. Co-edited with Marietta Baba. Special issue/section of International Migration 51(2): 1-89. 2013. Contents.
Labor and Migration in the 21st Century. Special section of City & Society 19(1): 1-76. 2007.
Diversity at Mason: Student Reflections. Co-edited with Samuel Brase, Alejandra Gonzalez-Arias, Celine Kemp, Tiffiany Newsome, and Razia Tajuddin. George Mason University, Diversity Research Group. 2006. Full text.
On-line essays
"Asia Pacific Travel Bubbles and the COVID-19 ‘Diseasescape’". With Yuk Wah Chan. East Asia Forum. May 17, 2021.
"Diseasescape: Coping with Coronavirus, Mobility, and Politics." With Yuk Wah Chan. Introduction to Series: Pandemic: Border-Crossing Caveats. global-e 13(33): May 29, 2020.
Learning from Our Past: The Refugee Experience in the United States. American Immigration Council Perspectives. November 2015.
“Multiculturalism Korean Style.” AN (Anthropology News) 55(11): 37. 2014.
“Safe Haven in America? Thirty Years after the Refugee Act of 1980.” Global Studies Review 6(1). 2010.
“Anthropology and Immigration in the Classroom.” AN (Anthropology News) 49(5): 38. May 2008.
“Transnational Migration in East Asia: Japan in Comparative Focus.” With Makito Minami and Shinji Yamashita. International Migration Review 41(4): 963-967. 2007.
“Introduction: Labor and Migration in the 21st Century.” City & Society 19(1): 2-4. 2007.
“Refugees in America: Moral Impulses and Public Policy.” Global Studies Review 2(1). 2006.
Selected articles and book chapters by topic
Migration general
“Wind over Water: Some Anthropological Thoughts on East Asian Migration.” In Migration in China and Asia: Experience and Policy. Edited by Zhang Jijiao and Howard Duncan. Springer. Pages 11-23. 2014.
“Migration, Policy, and Anthropology.” International Migration 51(2): 77-89. 2013.
“The U.S. Legal Immigration System.” In SAGE Debates on U.S. Immigration. Edited by Judith Gans, Elaine M. Replogle, and Daniel J. Tichenor. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. Pages 13-20. 2012.
“Transnational Migration: Some Comparative Considerations” (pp. 15-26) and “Concluding Comments” (pp. 205-208) in Transnational Migration in East Asia. Shinji Yamashita, Makito Minami, David Haines, and Jerry Eades, Editors. Osaka, Japan: National Museum of Ethnology. 2008.
“Ethnicity’s Shadows: Race, Religion, and Nationality as Alternative Identities among Recent U.S. Arrivals.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 14(3): 285-312. 2007.
“Labor, Migration, and Anthropology: Reflections from the Work of Philip L. Martin.” City & Society 19(1): 60-71. 2007.
“Refugees and Geopolitical Conflicts.” In Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies. Edited by Steven J. Gold and Stephanie Nawyn. Routledge. 2019. Pages 90-98.
“Refugees.” In Immigrant Struggles; Immigrant Gifts. Edited by Diane Portnoy, Barry Portnoy, and Charlie Riggs. Fairfax, Virginia: George Mason University Press. Pages 159-174. 2012.
“Synchronizing Foreign and Domestic Policy: The Case of the Refugee Act of 1980.” Federal History 4: 12-27. 2012.
“Rethinking the Vietnamese Exodus: Hong Kong in Comparative Perspective.” In The Chinese/Vietnamese Diaspora: Revisiting the Boatpeople in Hong Kong. Edited by Yuk Wah Chan. Routledge. Pages 20-35. 2011.
“Epilogue.” In Cambodian American Experiences. Edited by Jonathan H. X. Lee. Kendall Hunt. Pages 460-474. 2010.
“Perfectly American: Constructing the Refugee Experience.” Co-author: Karen E. Rosenblum. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS) 36(3): 391-406. 2010.
“America and Refugees: Morality, Rationality, and Expedience, 1939-2005.” In From Arrival to Incorporation: Migrants to the U.S. in a Global Era. Edited by Elliott Barkan, Hasia Diner, and Alan M. Kraut. NYU Press. Pages 41-59. 2008.
“Refugees.” In The New Americans. Edited by Mary Waters and Reed Ueda. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Pages 56-69. 2007.
“Anthropology and Policy.” International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Wiley. 2018.
“Fatal Choices: The Routinization of Deceit, Incompetence, and Corruption.” Public Integrity 6(1): 5-23. 2004. [Reprinted in The Ethics Edge. Edited by Jonathan West and Evan Berman. Washington, D.C.: ICMA Press. 2nd Edition. Pages 89-100. 2006.]
“Better Tools, Better Workers: Toward a Lateral Alignment of Technology, Policy, Labor, and Management.” American Review of Public Administration 33(4): 449-478. 2003.
“Minimalism in Governance: Workers’ Compensation in a Southern State.” Administration and Society 31(5): 616-638. 1999.
“Letting ‘The System’ Do the Work: The Promise and Perils of Computerization.” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 35(3): 306-324. 1999.
“Conformity in the Face of Ambiguity: A Bureaucratic Dilemma.” Semiotica 78(3/4): 249-269. 1990.
“Binding the Generations: Household Formation Patterns among Vietnamese Refugees.” International Migration Review 36(4): 1194-1217. 2002.
“South Vietnamese Households, Some Reconstructions of the 1954-1975 Period.” Vietnam Forum 13: 192-217. 1990.
“Ritual or Ritual? Dinnertime and Christmas among Some Ordinary American Families.” Semiotica 68(1/2): 75-88. 1988.
“Reflections of Kinship and Society under Vietnam’s Lê Dynasty.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 15(2): 307-314. 1984.
“Where Are We, When Are We, and Who Are We to Each Other?.” Co-authors: Karen Rosenblum and Hyunyoung Cho. In International Student Connectedness and Identity. Edited by Ly thi Tran and Catherine Gomes. Springer. 2017. Pages 169-183.
“Drifting Houses and Shifting Anchors, A Case of Transnational Higher Education in Korea.” Co-authors: Hyunyoung Cho and Karen Rosenblum. In Global Perspectives and Local Challenges Surrounding International Student Mobility. Edited by Krishna Bista and Charlotte Foster. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI. 2016. Pages 136-152.
“’More Aware of Everything’: Exploring the Returnee Experience in American Higher Education.” Journal of Studies in International Education 17(1): 19-38. 2013.
“Crossing Lines of Difference: How College Students Analyze Diversity.” Intercultural Education 18(5) 397-412. 2007.
“Southeast Asia from an East Asian Perspective.” Korea Fulbright Review. Pages 71-77. 2005.
“East Asia for Undergraduates: Balancing Regional Themes and Distinctive Cultures.” Education about Asia 7(2): 22-27. 2002.
Panels organized at professional meetings
“Migration: Culture, Politics, and Policy.” Live-stream session for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Baltimore, MD. November 2021.
“Truth and Responsibility: Understanding Christian Pastors and Priests.” In-person session for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Baltimore, MD. November 2021.
Anthropology and U.S. Immigration: The Current Moment. Live stream roundtable for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Online. November 2020.
Maintaining Refuge. Roundtable for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C. November 2016.
Evidently Important: A Forum on Refugee Policies and Programs. Co-organizer: Jayne Howell. Executive Session for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2016.
Cross Regional Comparisons of Migration Regimes: East Asia, Europe, and North America. Co-organizer: Shalini Randeria. Panel for the meeting of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Dubrovnik, Croatia. May 2016.
Migration and Diversity: Policy Refractions and Productions in East Asia. Panel at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C.; December 2014.
Northeast Asia: Coping with Diversity in Japan and Korea. Panel at the conference on Asian migration, City University of Hong Kong; September 2013.
Safe Haven in America: Thirty Years after the Refugee Act of 1980. Invited session for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. New Orleans, Louisiana; November 2010. Organized on behalf of the Committee on Refugees and Immigrants (CORI) and sponsored by the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology (APLA).
East Asian Migration: Implications for Development and Diversity. An integrated series of four panels at the World Congress of the Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Kunming, China; July 2009.
(with Gordon Mathews) The World is City: Reflections from the Asian Urban Experience. Panel for the meeting of the Society for East Asian Anthropology. Taipei, Taiwan; July 2009.
Wind over Water: An Anthropology of Migration from an East Asian Setting. Presidential/executive invited session for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Francisco, California; November 2008.
Labor and Migration in the 21st Century: A Dialogue with Philip L. Martin. Invited panel for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Jose, California; November 2006.
Marriage Out of Place: Continuity and Innovation in Marital Choices among Asian Migrants. Panel for the meeting of the Society for East Asian Anthropology. Hong Kong; July 2006.
(with Jeong Jong-Ho), Wind over Water: Understanding East Asian Migration. Panel for the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Vancouver, Canada: March 2006.
Reconfiguring Identity in the American University: The Experience of Immigrants, Children of Immigrants, and Foreign Students. Panel at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe, New Mexico; March 2005.
Forced Migration in an Age of Restriction. Panel at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Dallas, Texas; March 2004.
(with Carol Mortland), Manifest Destinies: America, Immigration, and the Collision of Local and Global Histories. Panel at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. San Francisco, California; March 2000.
(with Karen Rosenblum), Illegal Immigration: Problematic Labels and Volatile Issues. Roundtable session at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Chicago, Illinois; November 1999.
Contemporary Migration and Public Policy: A Review and Prospectus. CORI plenary session at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Tucson, Arizona; April 1999.
Refugees, Immigrants, and Anthropologists: A Review and Prospectus. CORI plenary session at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. San Juan, Puerto Rico; April 1998.
(with Carol Mortland), Internationalizing America: Refugees, Immigrants, and Their Localities. Invited session at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C.; November 1997.