Due to the horrific attacks of 9/11, the field of cybersecurity has undergone significant changes, characterized by a continuous process of adaptation and innovation. These changes have been necessary to effectively address the constantly evolving threats in our increasingly interconnected world. Cybersecurity technology is widely used in various aspects of the modern landscape. The government and national security sectors are widely recognized as prominent industries in the field of cybersecurity. Governments worldwide have significantly increased cybersecurity efforts, acknowledging the crucial significance of safeguarding national security. (State Department, 2006) states, "We are also more vigilant than ever concerning the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction in the hands of terrorists." Cybersecurity plays a significant role in safeguarding against different threats, such as the potential utilization of cyber methods by terrorists to obtain or utilize weapons of mass destruction. It is widespread to protect classified information, critical infrastructure, and government systems from espionage, cyberattacks, and information warfare. Cybersecurity also plays a crucial role in the investigation and capture of cybercriminals. Law enforcement agencies rely on digital forensics tools and techniques to effectively track down and prosecute individuals involved in cyber offenses. Ensuring critical infrastructure protection, such as power grids, water supply systems, and transportation networks, is of utmost importance. (The Department of Homeland Security Documents, 2022) states, "This advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) reflects a proactive approach by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to strengthen cybersecurity and resiliency in the pipeline and rail sectors, highlighting the increasing recognition of the importance of cybersecurity in critical infrastructure protection." Cybersecurity technology prevents unauthorized access, identifies vulnerabilities, and promptly responds to threats that disrupt critical services. In summary, the period following 9/11 has seen a significant increase in cybersecurity technology adoption in various industries. The applications of digital technologies extend far beyond traditional computer networks and are present in almost every aspect of modern life. The fact that this integration is so widespread highlights the crucial importance of cybersecurity in protecting our interconnected world.