Experiences and Plans
and Integrative Thinking
and Professional Growth
Experiences and Plans
Dissertation Planning |

Conduct research on the use of adapted video clips with students with intellectual disabilities
Preparing and submitting Steppingstones of Technology Innovation
for Children with Disabilities grant (taking a lead on that)
Learn more about UDL and apply that information to development of the video toolkit universal design program for teachers of students with disabilities |

Efficacy of Video Instruction Meta-Analysis
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively synthesize original research studies on the efficacy of video instruction as an intervention tool for teaching academic, functional, and behavioral skills to school-aged children with and without disabilities. Fifty one studies, including 24 with group design and 25 that employed single subject research, were integrated through a meta-analysis technique. Effect sized were calculated for experimental group design studies and percent of non-overlapping data (PND) scores were determined for single subject research studies. Preliminary findings included in this study were used to initiate a comparative analysis of different video formats, applications, and interactivity features as they are used in educational settings.
In-depth d ata analysis is in progress
1. Efficacy of Video Instruction Meta-Analysis: Preliminary Findings - draft of manuscript |
National Assistive Technology Research
Institute (NATRI)
fortunate to be a part of the NATRI/GMU team. We are
involved in analyzing data on AT use on the national
level. My assignments so far include:
Preparing a book chapter for practitioners on assistive technology integration including arranging physical environment, technology trial use, and instructional strategies. The chapter (and the book) will include various checklists and forms developed on the basis of NATRI's previous research.
and reporting data on the current state of awareness
and use of AT services. I was responsible for
going through all the steps of article writing:
from raw data to publishable article. I prepared
literature review, description of the method section,
study results, and discussion about the implications.
the literature review for the article on Assistive
Technology Implementation Plans. I had to build the
rationale for using the detailed descriptive plan
in order to ensure implementation of recommended technology.
1. Going beyond assistive technology devices: Are assistive technology services being considered? - Manuscript submitted for publication to JSET |
Implementation: Students with High-Incidence Disabilities
The purpose of this study was to investigate
the use of assistive and instructional technologies as an
instructional tool by special and general education teachers
educating students with high-incidence disabilities. This
study examined low and high technology implementation
in order to support students with learning disabilities and
emotional disturbance throughout all grade levels in all subject
areas. It is an effort to guide further research as well as
contribute valuable information to improve technology implementation
in public schools. Furthermore, it describes the ratio
of instructional vs. assistive technology currently used in
public schools, which may result in implications for teacher
preparation programs in terms of technology training.
123 surveys and 15 follow-up interviews were conducted. Data analysis is the next step.
1. Assistive and Instructional Technology Integration in Content Areas for Students with
High-Incidence Disabilities (JPEG - opens in the same window) - Poster Presentation, TED/TAM Conference, San Diego, California, 11.8-11.2006 |
Prediction for Students with Learning Disabilities
purpose of this study was to investigate the effects
of three current
word prediction
software programs (Co:Writer, WordQ, and WriteAssist) on
legibility, accuracy and length of journal writing by students
with severe writing and/or spelling difficulties. This single-subject design study
was supplemented by the initial comparison of three different word
prediction programs including students’ preferences.
It contributes to the research evaluating
the effectiveness of specific technology-based instructional
1. Word prediction programs with phonetic spelling support: Performance comparisons and impact on journal writing for students with writing difficulties - manuscript submitted for publication to LDQ
2. Predicting Writing Success: Word Prediction for Struggling Writers (JPEG - opens in the same window) - Student Poster Presentation, DLD at CEC Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, 4.19-21.2007 |
Use of Writing Software with Students with Special
study was intended to investigate the use of writing technologies
as an instructional tool by special education teachers
who, during their master's program, participated in an
internship focused on the use of technologically based
writing tools versus those who did not. This study examined
the efficacy of CompuWrite as a technology training program
in an effort to guide improvements in George Mason University
's special education licensure and master's programs as
well as contributed valuable information to improve the
CompuWrite experience for students and interns.
1. Teachers' Use of Writing Software with Students with Learning Disabilities (PDF file only) - Paper Presentation, Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD) International Conference, McLean, Virginia, 10.20-22.2006
2. Who's Using Technology: From Theory to Practice (JPEG - opens in the same window) - Poster Presentation, TED/TAM Conference, San Diego, California, 11.8-11.2006 |
of the AT online program
Through this experience I had a chance to learn more about Breeze web communication system. It was interesting to attempt to adapt EDSE 523 - Access/Input Modifications class materials to the e-learning environment. The most challenging decisions came up when trying to include hands-on activities. I feel like we were not completely successful with this endeavor, however, it most definitely prepared me for future trials in designing distance courses in
the area of assistive technology. |
Instructional Handheld data (KIHd) System
KIHd System is a simple and comprehensive data collection
system appropriate for use in collecting discrete trial
data with students with all disabilities. I have participated
in the Beta testing of the system when I observed and
supported teachers collecting data with the KHId system
as well as collected data myself. Additionally, in collaboration
with two other doctoral students I participated in writing
a federal grant in order to support the continued testing
of the system (the two-year grant has been awarded).
1. Kellar Instructional Handheld Data (KIHd) System (PDF File Only) - Poster Presentation, Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, 5.26-30.2006 |
Outcomes of WordMaker Software for First Grade
working in the first grade inclusion classrooms, I was
the principle investigator in the study that examined
the impact of the use of computer-assisted instruction
(specifically WordMaker software program from Don Johnston Inc.)
on students with different levels of reading ability.
Of particular interest to me were the effects of WordMaker
on the spelling performance of all first graders. In a
short ten week period the WordMaker software program had
positive impact on children’s decoding and spelling
skills. Eighty-three percent of the students experienced
gains between the pre and posttest scores. Two ability
groups who benefited from using the program the most were
children with identified disabilities and those with the
above grade level abilities. Findings support that WordMaker
is an effective complement to other activities associated
with the first grade curriculum (e.g., spelling and decoding)
and has the potential of significantly enhancing students’ reading
and writing skills.
1. Considerations, Outcomes and Benefits of WordMaker Software for First Grade Students (PDF File)- Paper Presentation, Assistive Technology Industry (ATIA) Conference, Orlando, Florida, 01.18-21.2006
2. Jeffs, T., Evmenova, A., Warren, S., & Robin, R. (in press). An action research study of computer-assisted instruction within the first grade classroom (PDF File). Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits, 3(1). Retrieved May 1, 2007 from http://www.atia.org/atob/ATOBWeb/ATOBV3N1/index.htm |