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Adjunct: EDSE 517 Computer Applications for Special Populations,
I had a pleasure to co-teach EDSE 517 with my friend and colleague in the Summer
of 2006. It was an amazing and quite challenging experience. Although I felt comfortable with the content, the amount of time we spent preparing for each class was unbelievable. I am glad I had a chance to experience that at the beginning of my career so that now I feel ready or at least aware of what it means to teach in higher education. With that said, I loved it so much that I am getting ready to teach the same class in Spring 2007 semester.
... Well, after the second time around I can say that I still love teaching. I think my teaching skills improved a little bit since the first time I taught. With that being said, I still have a lot of improvement. Mostly I was very surprised with the fact that it took the same amount of time, if not more, to prepare for each class. The reason I was surprised was that I thought I had all the materials from the first time. I thought I would need just to adjust it a little bit. I ended up redoing almost every single presentation. It is never boring!
Teaching Assistant : EDSE 510 Introduction to Assistive Technology,
I am so glad I had an opportunity to work with Cindy George on this online course. It was an absolutely different experience from any face-to-face teaching. Through this opportunity I have experienced and learned from challenges of adapting pre-designed materials to students from various backgrounds. I enjoyed this collaboration very much!
LD Resource/Inclusion Teacher, Snow Hill Primary School,
Snow Hill, NC
taught first grade students with LD in the resource and inclusion
settings. Students who needed more help would come
to my
resource classroom and I served those who needed just a little support
in co-teaching environment. I was responsible for co-teaching in
three first grade classrooms. It was a different experience
in each of them. Only one first grade class I worked with portrayed
the perfect co-teaching/inclusion model. We truly planned all lessons
together learning from each other. Most of the time I was learning
the content and curriculum while my general education co-teacher
was excited to hear different ideas of lessons adaptations and differentiations.
That was the
best teaching experience of my life.
Resource (6-8 gr.) Internship, G.R. Whitfield K-8 School, Grimsland,
consider this to be one of the most extended teaching experiences
of my life. Instead of doing internship for one semester
I requested to have it for the whole year. In addition, my phase-in
and phase-out periods were shorten (once again my request) and I taught
almost all year long. It was an amazing teaching and learning experience
of my life simultaneously. I was fortunate to have the best teacher
in the world as my mentor and she taught me everything
I know about teaching students with LD.
Assistive Technology Lab Assistant, ECU
an assistive technology lab assistant I was responsible for conducting
tours of the lab for undergraduate, graduate students,
and professors as well as conducting trainings for teachers who were
interested in trying different assistive technology software/devices
for their students. My passion in assistive technology emerged from there.
English and German languages Teacher, School # 34, Saratov,
My teaching experience from Russia is in
teaching English and German languages as second languages to students
grades 2-11.
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Technology Coordinator at SD Consortium, GMU
Helping out with technology for the Severe Disabilities Consortium was absolutely the best experience. I cannot say I had a fully leading role as I was supported on many different levels and followed a beaten path, but it was definitely a semi-leadership experience. During this experience I was in charge of technological aspect of a multi-point innovative distance education program. It was quite a challenge as five universities and several at-home students were connected through video conferencing equipment. It is amazing what can be done with technology, isn't it?
First Tier Reviewer in IJEPL, GMU
Being a reviewer on the International Journal of Educational Policy and Leadership (IJEPL) prepared me to critically read and analyze any research study. In addition, critiquing all those studies, clarified for me personally what common mistakes I should try to avoid when publishing my own articles. I believe such insight is possible only after many years of experience so I am fortunate to already have such experience.
CompuWrite Camp Internship, GMU
Working as a university supervisor for the computer camp for children with writing difficulties, CompuWrite, in the Summer 2006 was a unique opportunity. After a break, I enjoyed interacting with students very much. Once again I traveled back in time experiencing the most rewarding experience of working and helping students with learning disabilities. On the other hand, it was a great leadership experience because I was guiding and supervising GMU student interns working in camp. I most definitely had a chance to practice being in charge, and although I would probably do many things differently now, it was a very valuable experience for my future career (find more about this experience in my reflections).
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Cosmos Club Foundation Grants-in-Aid to Young Scholars
collaborated with another doctoral student to write the mini-proposal
to the Cosmos Club Foundation Grants-in-Aid to Young Scholars
Program seeking support for conducting "Teachers' Use of Writing
Software with Students with Special Needs" research.
Keller Instructional Handheld data System (has been awarded)
In collaboration with two other doctoral students I participated
in writing a federal grant (Steppingstones of Technology Innovation
for Children with Disabilities) in order to provide continued support
to the development of the Kellar Instructional
Handheld data (KIHd) System.
degree in Russia - BRIDGE" grant (has been awarded)
working as the leading grand/documentation specialist at the International
Office of Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia I coordinated
preparation of the BRIDGE grant supported by the British Council
(UK). I coordinated and developed the new dual master educational
program in nano-technologies and biophysics. The grant has been
awarded and now Saratov State University offers Russian as well
as British courses in nanotechnologies. After completing this
program graduates receive two degrees: Russian and British master
Mini-grant “International Connections” (has
been awarded)
my teaching in Snow Hill Primary School I started a pen pal
project between second graders from there and second graders from
the school I had taught in Russia. In order to support mailing expenses
and provide the class in Russia with photo cameras (to share pictures
with American students) I applied and was awarded a mini-grant
funded by Cause for Our Kids Foundation, Snow Hill, NC
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Predicting Writing Success: Word Prediction Options for Struggling Writers (GIF - opens in the same window) - Student Poster Presentation, DLD at CEC Conference Louisville, Kentucky, 4.19-21.2007
Assistive and Instructional Technology Integration in Content Areas for Students with High-Incidence Disabilities (JPEG - opens in the same window) - Poster Presentation, TED/TAM Conference, San Diego, California, 11.8-11.2006
Who's Using Technology: From Theory to Practice (JPEG - opens in the same window) - Poster Presentation, TED/TAM Conference, San Diego, California, 11.8-11.2006
Teachers' Use of Writing Software with Students with Learning Disabilities (PDF file only) - Paper Presentation, Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD) International Conference, McLean, Virginia, 10.20-22.2006
SOS! Strategies on Standards: Access to Science for Everyone! (PDF File only) - Paper Presentation, Closing The Gap (CTG) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 10.19-21.2006
Kellar Instructional Handheld Data (KIHd) System (PDF File Only) - Poster Presentation, Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, 5.26-30.2006
Considerations, Outcomes and Benefits of WordMaker Software for First Grade Students (PDF File only) - Paper Presentation, Assistive Technology Industry (ATIA) Conference, Orlando, Florida, 01.18-21.2006
ECU Online AT Certificate Program, Grant Advisory Council North Carolina Assistive Technology Program, Raleigh, NC, 08.22.2003
Electronic Portfolio – Multimedia Presentation, College of Education, ECU, Greenville, NC, May 2003
Presentations about Russia, G.R. Whitfield, H.B. Suggs Elementary, Snow Hill Primary Schools, NC, 2002-2003
Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities (PDF file only) – Paper Presentation, International Conference “Global Partnerships for a Democratic Future”, Volzhskie Dali, Russia, 05.16-19.2002
CD-Rom "Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities" (PDF file only) - Multimedia Presentation, College of Education, ECU, Greenville, NC, December 2001
Providing Access to the General Education Curriculum for Students with Disabilities: Tensions Posed by Democratically Based System of Education (PDF file only) – Paper Presentation, International Symposium “Democracy and Education”, Kiev, Ukraine, 06.01-03.2001
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A., Jerome, M.K., Behrmann, M., & Graff, H. (2007). Word prediction programs with phonetic spelling support: Performance comparisons and impact on journal writing for students with writing difficulties. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Bausch, M. E., Evmenova,
A., Behrmann, M., & Ault M. J. (2007). Going beyond assistive technology devices: Are assistive technology services being considered? Manuscript submitted for publication.
A. (2007). Emerging Aspects of Language Teaching and Learning: The Role of Technology. Proceedings of the International Conference "Aspects of Structural, Functional, and Cognitive Linguistics: Theory and Practice" (pp.). Saratov, Russia
King-Sears, M.E., & Evmenova, A.S. (in press). Premises, principles, and processes for integrating TECHology into instruction. Teaching Exceptional Children.
Jeffs, T., Evmenova, A., Warren, S., & Robin, R. (2006). An action research study of computer-assisted instruction within the first grade classroom. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits, 3(1). Retrieved on May 1, 2007 from http://www.atia.org/atob/ATOBWeb/ATOBV3N1/index.htm
Jerome, M. K., Neuber, K., Stegall, B., Evmenova, A., & Behrmann, M. (2007). Technology for integration of students with disabilities in higher education. In S. Helal, M. Mokhtari, & B. Abdulravak (Eds.), Technology for aging, disability, and independence: Computer and engineering for design and applications. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons.
Evmenova, A. (2003). Interactive Multimedia Electronic Portfolio, Greenville, NC.
Evmenova, A. (2002). Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities. Proceedings of the Global Partnership for Democratic Future Conference (228-235). Saratov, Russia
Evmenova, A. (2002). Interactive CD-Rom “Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities” in two languages: English and Russian.
Warren, S., Orlova, N., & Evmenova, A. (2001). Providing Access to the General
Education Curriculum for Students with Disabilities: Tensions Posed by Democratically Based System of Education. Proceedings of the Democracy and Education Conference (141-150). Kiev, Ukraine
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