Experiences and Plans
and Integrative Thinking
and Professional Growth
Experiences and Plans
Dissertation Planning

(Use links below to navigate through the page)


Word Prediction Programs with Phonetic Spelling Support: Performance Comparisons and Impact on Journal Writing for Students with Writing Difficulties. (Manuscript submitted for publication - PDF File Only) |
Article in Peer-Reviewed Journal |
A., Jerome, M.K., Behrmann, M., & Graff, H. (2007). Word prediction programs with phonetic spelling support: Performance comparisons and impact on journal writing for students with writing difficulties. Manuscript submitted for publication. |
Going Beyond Assistive Technolody Devices: Are Assistive Technology Services Being Considered? (Manuscript submitted for publication - PDF File Only) |
Article in Peer-Reviewed Journal |
Bausch, M. E., Evmenova, A., Behrmann, M., & Ault, M. J. (2007). Going beyond assistive technology devices: Are assistive technology services being considered? Manuscript submitted for publication. |
Emerging Aspects of Language Teaching and Learning: The Role of Technology. (PDF File Only) |
of International Conference "Aspects of Structural, Functional, and Cognitive Linguistics: Theory and Practice" (pp.).
Saratov, Russia, March 26-27, 2007 |
Several technological options have been adopted and integrated in second language acquisition environments. This paper discusses readily available technologies for language teaching and learning, such as email, chat rooms, and the Internet. It is important to note that , these are technologies, which have grown to be a part of everyday life worldwide, even in less technologically advanced countries. |
Technology for integration of students with disabilities in higher education (PDF
File Only) |
Book Chapter |
M. K., Neuber, K., Stegall, B., Evmenova,
A., & Behrmann, M. (2007). Technology for integration
of students with disabilities in higher education. In S. Helal,
M. Mokhtari, & B. Abdulravak (Eds.), Technology for aging,
disability, and independence: Computer and engineering for design
and applications. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons. |
Technology for Students with Disabilities (PDF
File Only) |
of the Global Partnership for Democratic Future Conference (228-235).
Saratov, Russia, May 16-19, 2003 |
refers to a very broad range of devices, services, strategies, and
to assist the problems encountered by persons
with disabilities. This
paper presents the overview of available assistive technology
devices for students with disabilities. |

SOS! Strategies on Standards: Access to Science for Everyone! (PDF File only) |
Power Point Presentation, Closing The Gap (CTG) Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 10.19-21.2006 |
This power point presentation provides an overview of scientific standards in grades K-8 and the available science manipulatives, general education, special education software programs, and alternative teaching tools that students with various disabilities can benefit from. |
Kellar Instructional Handheld Data (KIHd) System (PDF File Only) |
Brochure, Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) Convention
Atlanta, Georgia, 5.26-30.2006 |
In collaboration with two other PhD students we have developed this KIHd brochure as a handout for several conferences including the ABA Convention. The brochure presents the results of the Alpha and Betta testing and general overview of the KIHd data collection system. |

Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities
is available) |

Master's Degree Electronic Portfolio (copy is available) |
CD-Rom: Co-Teaching - "Project Significance": Greene County Schools
in partnership with East Carolina University (copy is available) |
"Dinosaur Hunters" (copy is available) |
Basics of Learning Disabilities (copy is available) |
Version of the Saratov State University Website (hand coded) |
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Efficacy of Video Instruction Meta-Analysis: Preliminary Findings (PDF File Only) |
Final Paper
EDSE 841, Intervention Research in Special Education (Fall 2006)
This paper includes preliminary findings of the quantitatively synthesized existing research on the efficacy of video instruction presented in various formats as an intervention tool for teaching academic, functional, and behavioral skills to school-aged children with and without disabilities. |
Word Prediction Software for Students with Writing Difficulties (PDF File Only) |
Final Paper
EDRS 823, Single Subject/Case Study Design (Fall 2006)
This single-subject research study was conducted to determine the effects of current word prediction software programs available that support phonetic/inventive spelling on the legibility, fluency and length of journal writing by students with severe writing and/or spelling difficulties.
Low-tech Final Project (PDF File Only) |
Presentation in Power Point
EDSE 528, Low-tech Assistive Technology (Fall 2006)
This presentations demonstrates the low-tech device, car seat belt extender, that I have designed and developed for my friend. The presentation goes through the step-by-step design process. |
CompuWrite Camp Manual (PDF File Only) |
Internship Manual
EDUC 994, Advanced Internship in Education: CompuWrite Camp (Summer 2006)
This manual includes major documents distributed to CompuWrite interns during the pre-internship training. The rest of the materials are available on the CD. |
Electronic Resource Notebook (PDF File Only) |
Collection of Resources in Power Point
EDSE 524, Assistive Technology for Individuals with Learning Disabilities (Summer 2006)
This electronic notebook is an excellent collection of at least 10 low-tech and 10 software programs in reading, writing, math, and content areas for students with learning disabilities. |
Individual Assistive Technology Assessment (PDF File Only) |
Assistive Technology Assessment Plan
EDSE 649, Advanced
Clinical in Psychoeducational Assessment: AT Assessment (Spring 2006)
This assessment provides suggestions for alternative (one-handed) keyboards and other assistive technologies that would provide support and more independence to Dr. Dennis in computer access, reading, and writing/spelling based on his abilities and needs. |
Group Assistive Technology Assessment (PDF File Only) |
Team Report
EDSE 649, Advanced
Clinical in Psychoeducational Assessment: AT Assessment (Spring 2006)
Collaborative assessment of Mike's abilities and needs in terms of providing him with appropriate assistive technologies for computer access (keyboarding and mouse manipulation). |
Reknowing Project (PDF File Only) |
Reflective and Analytical Analysis
EDUC 800, Ways of Knowing (Spring 2006)
In this paper I reflected and attempted to analyze my reframed thinking and new understanding of ways of knowing. I was able to place myself and my research interests in relation to various ways of knowing. |
Knowing Project (PDF File Only) |
Research Paper
EDUC 800, Ways of Knowing (Spring 2006)
In this collaborative research paper I investigated one of the ways of knowing that was new to me. My classmate and I tried to explore our dissertation interests through self-study (the literature review on self-study is included). |
It! Job Aid (PDF file only) |
Supplementary handout
EDIT 705, Instructional Design (Fall 2005) |
Job Aid was developed in order to provide learners with some guide
that they could use after the training is complete when they go back
to their work places. |
Switch It! Prototype (PDF file only) |
Training Manual
EDIT 705, Instructional Design (Fall 2005) |
final product is a segment of the prototype, training manual,
of the instructional
module on selecting an appropriate switch for a students with
disabilities depending on his/her reliable body parts (Module 3
from the mentioned
above Design Document.) |
Switch It! Instructional Design Document (PDF file only) |
Final Design Document
EDIT 705, Instructional Design (Fall 2005) |
final Design Document explains an approach and detailed plan
to developing a prototype of an instruction module Introduction, Statement of
the Problem and Instructional Goal; Needs Assessment and Learner
Analysis; Instructional
Task Analysis; Objectives and Instructional Approach; Formative
and Summative Evaluation; several Appendixes and the
Glossary included). |
Most Essential Attributes of a Leader (PDF File Only) |
EDUC 802, Leadership Seminar (Fall 2005)
final paper discusses the most essential attributes of a leader found among 5 different approaches to leadership and reveals my location as a leader upon entering this program. |
and Conceptual Analysis (PDF File Only) |
is a lesser requirement to leading others than power and authority."
802, Leadership Seminar (Fall 2005)
The provided above assertion is addressed through conceptual analysis from Wilson's Thinking with Concepts for improved communication and understanding. It provides clear
definitions of terms, and model, contrary, and/or borderline cases
to make the case.
Barriers to Assistive Technology (PDF File Only) |
Review, Master's Program, East Carolina University, Fall 2002
6701 "Assistive Technology Devices and Services"
The cultural background of AT users (and of the people who
surround them) has much to do with the success or failure of attempted
AT interventions. This paper also offers the reflection
on how cultural background of somebody from Russia could impact the use
of AT devices. |
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