Security Concerns

Along with 3D printing comes security concerns. The main focus of security with 3D printing is cybersecurity. It was noted in an article titled NYU Researchers Report Cybersecurity Risks in 3D Printing that there are two cybersecurity implications associated with 3D printing: “printing orientation and insertion of fine defects” (NYU Polytechnic Institute Tandon School of Engineering, 2016). With the 3D printers, a computer aided design file is sent. The computer assisted design gets broken into pieces and positions of the printer head. As stated in the article,“the orientation of the product during printing could make as much as a 25 percent difference in its strength” (NYU Polytechnic Institute Tandon School of Engineering, 2016). Those who often commit crimes can purposely change the instructions for a computer aided design. If the 3D printer is connected to the internet, people can hack into the printer and create defects in the product being created by the 3D printer (NYU Polytechnic Institute Tandon School of Engineering, 2016). Although 3D printing raises many concerns due to problems in its security, it is used to create an endless amount of objects in three dimensions.