
Is 3D Printing the Future of Manufacturing?. (2016, April 29). Retrieved from

ofmanufacturing/2016/05/02/b455e9b2-0e27-11e6-bc53-db634ca94a2a_video.html Accessed 14 February 2017.

This video obtained from the Washington Post explains what 3D printing is and how it is used. It also mentions why 3D printers are used and its significance. In the video, the experienced speakers explain how 3D printers are beneficial and what the expected future looks like in the presence of 3D printers. The information seems reliable as the video was recently published within the past year. The speakers in the video are those with a title such as the US Managing Director or Partner Support Engineer. Even though the video is short, it was clear and concise. It was helpful for the research paper as it allowed for the determination of what 3D printers are while the printer was being shown directly with an explanation which helped provide a better understanding of 3D printers and allowed for a better visualization of how the printers are processed. The video covered a lot of the topics that will be written about in the research essay; therefore, the video is relevant for the topic.

NYU Researchers report cybersecurity risks in 3D printing. (2016, July 12). Retrieved from

reportcybersecurity- risks-3d-printing
Accessed 14 February 2017.

This article from the New York University Tandon School of Engineering focuses on the security aspect of 3D printing, specifically cybersecurity. The article focused on the 3D association with cybersecurity through the printing orientation and insertion of fine defects. The article mentions how the products formed during the 3D printing process come from a computer aided design and how there is a large possibility for the strength of the design to change. Hacking and how there can be defects in the objects that are printed is also noted in the article. This article is credible as it comes from a university, specifically their engineering research department. This indicates that the information from this article has been researched upon; therefore, the information is reliable. The information contained in this article is highly relevant to the security concerns of 3D printing and can be a great source to obtain information to analyze and relate to the security problems with 3D printing.

Ebrahim, T. Y. (2016). 3D printing: Digital infringement & digital regulation. Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, 14(1), 37-74. Retrieved from Accessed 13 February 2017.

This scholarly journal article discusses the legal aspects of 3D printing. It specifically mentions infringement, both direct and indirect infringement. The article mentions patents a lot to indicate how important it is to claim that the design belongs to a certain individual. The scholarly journal article also discusses computer-aided designs (CAD) and how these digital files can be easily transmitted online to the public; therefore, the individuals’ designs could be used by another individual. This source is very good for looking at the security concerns associated with 3D printing as it goes into great detail about the various infringements that can be posed. The scholarly journal article was also written not too long ago in 2016; therefore, the information is up-to-date and reliable. The article is also scholarly and comes from a student at the University of Houston Law Center. At the end of the scholarly journal, the author Ebrahim Y. Tabrez acknowledges his professors and the Deans at the University for their insight and assistance in writing this journal article. This indicates how he was able to get help from those who have a different kind of knowledge about the topic which aided in the construction of the journal article. As he thanks those around him in the University of Houston Law Center and includes the references at the end of the article, it indicates that the information is reliable.

Marcovitz, H. (2017). What is the future of 3D printing?. San Diego, CA: Reference Point Press.

In the What is the Future of 3D Printing? book, there is a main focus on what 3D printing has been used for and will continue to be used for. It gives a brief description of what 3D printing is which will be useful in the introduction and background section of the research paper. It also looks at the use of 3D printing in terms of transportation, medicine, homes, and launching in space. It shows how versatile 3D printing is and how it can be used in many different applications. The book was written this year in 2017, so the information is recent and relevant. The book notes that the author has family members who work as a computer-aided design modeler which indicates that the information found in the book is based on fact as someone who constantly works with 3D printers is related to the author, giving the author some credibility.

Neely, E. L. (2016). The Risks of Revolution: Ethical Dilemmas in 3D Printing from a US Perspective. Science and Engineering Ethics, 22(5), 1285-1297.

doi:10.1007/s11948-015- 9707-4. Retrieved from Accessed 14 February 2017.

This scholarly journal article discusses the ethical aspects of 3D printing and the risks associated with the use of 3D printers. The article is organized into different aspects, making it easier to follow and understand. It contains information relevant to the research as it explains two main ethical concerns of 3D printing: safety and intellectual property. It goes into detail about independent and detail infringement. At the end of the scholarly journal article, there is a bibliography page indicating where some of the facts and statistics came from. This shows that the information is more likely to be reliable and accurate as there is information to support the claims made in the scholarly journal article.

Otfinoski, S. (2017). 3D printing: science, technology, engineering. New York, NY: Children's Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc.

This book is good as it is concise and has easy to understand explanations of 3D printing, allowing for a better understanding of three dimensional printing. The book covers multiple topics that can be used in the background information section of the essay to give the readers a better understanding of what 3D printing is and what makes it unique compared to traditional printers. Some of the topics in the book that can be used in the background section of the research paper are the following: what 3D printing is, the 3D printing process, and what it is like to be working with a 3D printer. The book also has additional information that can be useful in analyzing 3D printers in the research paper such as the benefits and risks of 3D printing as well as what can be expected from 3D printers in the future. This book is good because it is very recent as it was just published in the beginning of this year. This means that all the information in the book is updated and reliable.

Website Media Reference

The original video was created on 3/23/17. The URL of the video is The video is original and created by me. The video is about what 3D printers are used for, the benefits of 3D printers, and the problems associated with 3D printers. Pictures were used in the video to emphasize the various applications of 3D printers. Text was also used throughout the video to give descriptions of how 3D printers are used as well as why they are beneficial and problematic.

[3D Printer]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from

4AC5A982BD83E0250DC07E9E&q=3D printers&simid=608023738233848200&selectedIndex=21&qft= filterui%3alicense-L2_L3&ajaxhist=0

This image is one of an orange 3D printer used in the beginning of the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at , and the permission to use the image was found at . The image of the 3D printer is used at the beginning of the video about the applications, benefits, and problems of 3D printers in order to show what a 3D printer looks like. This gives the audience the ability to visualize this new advanced technology that prints in three dimensions. It is used to show how the instrument can be used in a variety of fields and in many ways. It is also incorporated in the video to show how a 3D printer appears different than the traditional ink jet or laser printers. Also, it shows how objects of all different sizes can be created as the 3D printer in the image is large.

[3D Printer]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of a black 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at
, and the permission to use the image was found at . The image of the 3D printer is used in order to show what another 3D printer looks like. This gives the audience the ability to visualize this new advanced technology in a different way. It is used to show how the printer comes in different shapes and sizes. It shows how 3D printers contain diversity. It demonstrates the originality of the various 3D printers.

[Shirt]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of a shirt made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at, and the permission to use the image was found at . The image of the shirt was used in order to show how 3D printers are used in many fields. One of those fields is fashion. The photo of the shirt was used to give an example of what kind of clothing can be created from 3D printers. It allows the audience to get an idea of how 3D printers are used in the real world daily. It represents the unique applications of 3D printers.

[Shoes]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of shoes made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at
, and the permission to use the image was found at The image of the shoes was used in order to show how 3D printers are used to create a variety of articles of clothing. One of those is shoes. The photo of the shoes was used to give another example other than shirts of what kind of clothing can be created from 3D printers. It allows the audience to get an idea of how versatile 3D printers are when creating objects in different fields such as that of fashion. It is used to show how 3D printers create complex items.

[Food]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of food made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at
, and the permission to use the image was found at The image of the hamburger and fries was used in order to show how 3D printers are used to create a variety of objects such as food. It was included in a 3D printer and was used to show the way the food is made in the 3D printer. The photo of the food shows how 3D printers are not used to just create simple items. They can be used to create complex items that are edible and useful to human beings. It shows how making food using 3D printers is becoming more common as 3D printers are being a more advanced and known form of technology.

[Skin]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of skin made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at
and the permission to use the image was found at The image of the arm in the 3D printer was used to show how 3D printers can also be used in other fields. It mainly points out biological and anatomical applications. It is used to show how 3D printers can make skin through cell growth. It demonstrates the way 3D printers can be used to make things useful for people in terms of their body. It displays how 3D printers are original.

[Prosthetic Limbs]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of prosthetic limbs made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at
, and the permission to use the image was found at The image of the prosthetic leg was used to show how 3D printers can be used in the health care field. It shows how 3D printers are useful in helping people in terms of their health. It emphasizes the originality of 3D printers in terms of making things in three dimensions. It shows the value of using 3D printers. It also displays the serious and efficient side of 3D printers.

[Home]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of a home made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at
, and the permission to use the image was found at The image of the home was used to show another application of 3D printers. It shows how 3D printers are also used in the construction field. It shows how 3D printers can make things of all shapes and sizes just like it can make a large house with varied dimensions. The image shows the audience an example of the kinds of construction produced from 3D printers. It provides a visual to emphasize the work 3D printers can do.

[Building]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of a building made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at , and the permission to use the image was found at The image was closer to that of the design of a building. This image was used as it displays the variety of object forms that 3D printers can make. It shows how 3D printers can really make anything with a good design. It further shows the audience the wide array of objects 3D printers can make. It shows how all the objects can contain different designs just as the building appears different from the constructed house.

[House]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of a house made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at
, and the permission to use the image was found at The image was a three dimensional home. It was used to show the benefits associated with 3D printers. It is a representation of the value of 3D printers. It shows how 3D printers can provide resources to those in various countries that do not have direct access to resources. Some of those resources that are unavailable to people in other countries are nicely built homes. This is displayed in the image of the home.

[Food]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of food made by a 3D printer used in the original Youtube video. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at
, and the permission to use the image was found at ""> The image was three dimensional food. It was used to show the benefits associated with 3D printers. It is a representation of the value of 3D printers. It shows how 3D printers can provide resources to those in various countries that do not have direct access to resources. Some of those resources that are unavailable to people in other countries are fresh food. This is displayed in the image of the edible food.

[3D Printer]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from


This image is one of a 3D printer used in the introduction webpage of the website. It was retrieved from Bing in the “Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially” section at , and the permission to use the image was found at The 3D printer was included in the introduction webpage to emphasize what 3D printers look like. It was used to allow the reader to visualize the 3D printer as they read the introduction of the content found in the website. The 3D printer contains a frog in the center. The frog is in three dimensions. This 3D photo was specifically chosen because it shows how 3D printers can be used to construct anything which in the case of the image is a frog.

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Website Links

  1. 3D Printing Blog

  2. 3D Printing Wiki