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Title Page


Supercomputer Timeline

How does it work?

Types of Supercomputers

What are Supercomputers used for?


Works Cited

Works Cited

Images and Information obtained from the following:

Baker, Anthanasia D. “High Octane Computers Spark Scientific Model, Simulations.”

*Obtained pictures from this site.

"Barry's Clipart."2004. www.bary'

National Defense Magazine.

*Information on the uses of a Supercomputer

Bramer, Daniel. “Clean Air Returns.”

*Obtained picture from this website

Encarta Dictionary. 2003.

*Received definition of a supercomputer.

“IBM Supercomputers”

*Obtained pictures from this website.

Jamieson, David. “Cray Supercomputers get the pace.”

*Obtained imagines from this website

Morley, Deborah; Parker, Charles S. “Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow: 10th Edition”.

*Information on what a supercomputer is and how it works.

Nelson, Steve. “Supercomputer.” Microsoft Encarta Library 2004.

*Information on how a supercomputer works


*Information on Types of computers, uses, and timeline.