Digital Translation
Know Your Rights
City Light Is Gone
Stay Up (Remix)
Stay Up Explaination

Know Your Rights Exercise!


    "I see young men, my townsmen, whose misfortune it is to have inherited farms, houses, barns, cattle, and farming tools; for these are more easily acquired than got rid of. Better if they had been born in the open pasture and suckled by a wolf, that they might have seen with clearer eyes what field they were called to labor in. Who made them serfs of the soil? Why should they eat their sixty acres, when man is condemned to eat only his peck of dirt? Why should they begin digging their graves as soon as they are born? They have got to live a man's life, pushing all these things before them, and get on as well as they can."

Taken from Walden by Henry David Thoreau. No Rights Reserved as this is a piece that is now in the public domain. This means that anyone can use, distribute, modify, or add upon the work.

No Rights Reserved


Every Time I Die

Photo of Every Time I Die taken by pointofgravity. You can see her work here:
The work is under Attribution by Creative Commons which means you can use their work as long as you give credit to the works author. You are allowed to use, transmit, distribute, and remix (adapt) the work as long as the author gets credit.
Attribution 2


This video of Underoath is by Oldunderoath. This is Oldunderoath's main page on Blip.tv
The work is under Attribution by Creative Commons which means you can use their work as long as you give credit to the works author. You are allowed to use, transmit, distribute, and remix (adapt) the work as long as the author gets credit.