The meeting was
really very beneficial for me because it highlighted the interests of the
other 4 Policy Working Groups and exposed our thinking to the RTCC
who were very knowledgeable and sophisticated in these areas of concern.
A number of important
observations were made which I have tried to record here more or less in
the sequence in which they occurred:
1. the subject areas should be customer driver - focus on mobility
2. the research should respond to long term needs not just our
sense of
current needs. We should be thinking decades
out in the future
3. we need a better metric of value than just time savings; new
concerns speed of making investments
4. we should contact Betty Deakin re the Issues and themes arising
in the
Planning and Environment area. They should
bear strong linkage to
ours. They will not cover non-environment
planning, e.g. freight
5. other R&T areas feel that they need policy guidance from
6. we should consider fleet and vehicle related issues; no one
has the ball
7. most R&T groups had about 8 theme areas
8. consider concept of building some scenarios for our work and
that of
9. re priorities: Do not try to prioritize; A rationale
for each area is more
useful than a list of priorities; Identify
great opportunities = low
hanging fruit
10. I made the case that our task was somewhat different in that the
policy sphere embodies a perspective.
AEP R&T Chairs meeting notes (following RTCC)
1. focus on R&T payoffs
2. tasks 5 and 6 are part of the charge to the groups
3. think longer term
4. there is no paid writing help – volunteers will be needed
5. who is audience? RTCC? Or congress or ?
6. need to broaden inputs
7. need reaction and support from associations for policy stuff
8. contact consultants to get them into the game
9. need an overview chapter, perhaps linked to scenarios, that
R&T group can respond to
10. the view was that we should not identify who should do the
work.Should treat prospective roles.
There is an agreed
distinction for ourwork in policy.
11. the emphasis is on making the case for funding rather than fine
tuning priorities
12. need early consideration of the approach to be used in task 2 –
needs and payoffs – need to discuss
13. entire process, wall to wall, is in our scope
AEP Mar 28, 2000