of the R&T Partnership Forum
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Analysis and System Monitoring Working Group
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Michael S. Bronzini, January, 2000
1. Cost data
Capital and operating costs of existing and future transportation
Door-to-door shipping costs (domestic, international, intermodal)
User/operator costs
2. Data on emerging and critical population subgroups
Aging population
Other specialized transportation service users
3. Improved data collection
Reduce cost
Increase timeliness, quality
Apply new information technology (ITS, on-board transponders)
4. Linking of transportation and land use decision processes
5. Methods for assessing and incorporating public preferences in
transportation decision-making.
Mobility, capacity expansion, vs. other public goals
6. Rural transportation needs and requirements.
7. Multistate transportation corridors
Policy and planning issues (defining corridors, identifying projects)
Finance, programming projects
Follow-up assessments
Institutional issues
8. Freight transportation, including increased interaction with the Private
sector in the identification of needed improvements
in freight
Competition vs. concentration in freight modes
Just-in-time freight operations, implications for transport system
9. Multimodal and intermodal planning
use of performance measures
lifecycle comparison of investments in alternative modes
NHS intermodal connectors
Other intermodal efficiency issues
10. Rehabilitation of existing highway and transit systems.
11. The effectiveness of the current institutional arrangements--public,
private, and public-private--in fulfilling
the emerging and new missions
that are being identified as important
to society and the economy
12. Global trade policy
Differences in regulatory policies
Infrastructure barriers (e.g., border crossings)
13. Transportation and the economy
Role of transport in economic development
Economic evaluation of projects
14. System finance
Revenue forecasting
Innovative finance, partnerships
Value pricing
Augmenting/replacing fuel taxes, taxing alternative fuels
15. Transportation and the environment
Monitoring and estimating environmental impacts
Global warming, Kyoto accords
16. Data on extent, capacity, condition, use, and performance of the
transportation system
System operations, response to incidents/accidents/disruptions
Links to land use, socioeconomic data
Performance audits and program assessments