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The world of information technology is constantly changing.  There is always new technology coming in the eyes of humans.  This is certainly the case in the world of nursing.  Nursing is a very conservative field of people who have worked with paper documentation for hundreds of years.  These nurses carry pages and pages of charts and notes around like college students carry their text books.  The field of nursing has recently become changed by the use of the computer and computerized documentation.  This type of documentation allows for people to communicate faster, causes less mistakes, and allows for the possibility of a universal computerized health care documentation.

The concept of computers in healthcare is a very exciting and necessary move.  The use of paper records and charts has been outdated due to the fact that computers are much more reliable, cause less errors to be made based on handwriting, and allow for an electronic records system to be put into place for all doctors to see health histories of patients.  These advances show that the health care field is ever growing and is going to continue to grow as advances in technology continue to benefit the field.  Computerized systems are extremely beneficial to nursing staff and medical staff all throughout the hospital.  These systems are going to continue to show growth and will be seen in a lot more hospitals all over the world in the years to come.