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With a computerized system of charting and note taking, there are usually less mistakes made on the part of nurses and doctors

With a computerized system of charting and note taking, there are usually less mistakes made on the part of nurses and doctors.  “Data now shows that information technology can reduce the frequency of errors of different types and probably the frequency of associated adverse events” (Bates). This includes medication errors due to the doctor’s famous sloppy handwriting.  There is less likely to be a major medication error with the use of computers because typed medication orders are much neater than handwritten orders.  This is also true when it comes to notes pertaining to nurses.  If a nurse has messy handwriting it is going to be much more difficult for other nurses to read and comprehend her hand writing.  This is why a computer system is necessary and valuable for the health care field.  By having computers available for reference, nurses are also making less medication errors.  This is based on the ability to use the computer for reference on dosage and as a way to help calculate medication dosage for a specific patient.  This technology is cutting down on overdose of medication because it is a way for nurses to check themselves before they administer mediation.  Computers have also allowed us to create a system to help doctors all over the world to obtain information for patients that they are now taking care of.