Exploring Native America
Spring 2002

Sitting Bull                                            Dreamcatcher

                                    (Tatanka Iyotake)

Have you ever wanted to know more about Indians, or as they are more appropriately known, Native Americans?  Do names like Comanche, Apache, Navajo, Iriquois, Seminole and Cherokee sound exciting or mysterious?  How accurately are Native Americans and their culture portrayed in Hollywood westerns?  Do you want to learn more about Native American Culture, customs, music and art forms?  Do you want to learn more vocabulary and words relating to Native Americans and their heritage?  In this elective class, English Language Institute students and the instructor will be co-learners.  Together they will explore the movies, the Internet, literature, and other sources for information about Native Americans.

Geronimo                                                      Katsina


Exploring Native America Class
Spring 2002

Badger Song

Native American Web Links

Native American Words


Class e-mail list

Link to Class Syllabus