Native America
Spring 2002
Native American Word List
Note: Some of the words or phrases on this list are actual Native American vocabulary. Others are English words or phrases often associated with Native Americans through usage. Although many of these words or phrases are commonly used in US English, some of them may carry a derogatory or bad connotation among Native Americans. These words are included on our list because you may hear them or read them as you study about Native America. The instructor will attempt to identify the "bad" words for you. We will add to the list during the semester.
Bering Strait blood brother
brave canoe
counting coup dream catcher
hogan igloo
Indian Indian giver
katsina/kachina kayak
Long Walk medicine man/shaman
medicine pouch moccasin
papoose peace pipe
pemmican petroglyph
powwow raindance
redskin scalping
shapeshifter skinwalker
smoke signal squaw
tell tale tipi/teepee
tom tom tomahawk
Trail of Tears travois
wampum war paint