Aditya Johri


Current Projects

G26. NSF-SaTC-2335636: Education DCL: EAGER: An Embedded Case Study Approach for Broadening Students' Mindset for Ethical and Responsible Cybersecurity. Role: PI, Co-PIs: V. Motti and K. Islam, Amount: $299,486, 2024-2026.

G25. NSF-EEC-2319137: EAGER: Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) on Engineering Education Practices. Role: PI, Co-PI: Nora McDonald, Amount: $300,000, 2023-2025.

G24. NSF-EEC-2112775: Workshop: ProVis-EER: Developing Professional Vision into Empirical Practices within Engineering Education Research (EER) though Digital Apprenticeship. Role: PI: Amount: $99,647, 2022-2025.

G23. NSF/USDA-NIFA Award #2021-67021-35329: AI Institute for Resilient Agriculture (AIIRA). Role: SP/Thurst Co-lead; PI: B. Ganapathysubramanian, Iowa State; Total Award Amount: $20M Personal Share: $500,000 (2021-2026)

G22. NSF-CNS-1954556: CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: COALESCE: Context Aware Learning for Sustainable Cyber-Agricultural Systems. Role: Co-PI; PI: S. Sarkar, Iowa State; Co-PIs: A. Singh (ISU), B. Ganapathysubramanian (ISU), N. Merchant (UoA); Total Amount: $5M; Personal Share: $400,000 (2021-2026)

Completed Projects

External Grants

G21. NSF/CRA/CCC Computing Innovation Fellows Program (PI), Award Amount: $270,000, 2022-2024.

G20. NSF-DUE-2044347: Studying Student Support and Success Experiences to Improve Persistence of Nontraditional Students in Engineering. Role: Senior Personnel (External); PI: Cory Brozina, Youngstown State University; Total Amount: $299,968 (Share: $34,500) (2021-2024)

G19. NSF-DUE-1937905: Situated Algorithmic Thinking: Preparing the Future Computing Workforce for Ethical Decision-Making through Interactive Case Studies. Role: PI; Co-PI: H. Rangwala, A. Monea; Amount: $299,989 + $55,800 (REU Supplement)(2020-2022)

G18. NSF-EEC-1941186: Workshop: Building an Inclusive Foundation of Engineering Education Research Scholarship for Future Growth. Role: PI; Amount: $99,933 (2020-2021)

G17. NSF-EEC-1939105: Collaborative EAGER: Novel Ethnographic Investigations of Engineering Workplaces to Advance Theory and Research Methods for Preparing the Future Workforce. Role: PI; Amount: $80,582 (Collaborative with Purdue (Lead PI: Jesiek) and YSU (PI: Brozina), Total Amount: $300K). (2020-2021)

G16. NSF-REU-1757064: REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Educational Data Mining. Role: Senior Personnel; PI: H. Rangwala; Award Amount: $359,982

G15. NSF-DUE-IUSE-1712129: Deeper Learning of Data Science (DLDS): Studying Real-world Experiences of Engineering Professionals to Prepare the Future Workforce. Role: PI; Amount: $300,000

G14. NSF-DUE-1707837: EAGER: Social Media Participation as Indicator of Actors, Awareness, Attitudes, and Activities Related to STEM Education. Role: PI, Amount $299,292. Co-PI: H. Purohit

G13. NSF-CHS-IIS-1733634: RAPID: Collaborative Research: Technology Adoption during Environmental Jolts: Mobile Phone Use and Digital Services Appropriation during India's Demonetization Crisis. Role: PI; $49,974. (Collaborator: Joyojeet Pal, University of Michigan; Total Amount $100K)

G12. NSF-BIGDATA: IA: DKA-IIS-1447489: Collaborative Research: Learning Data Analytics: Providing Actionable Insights to Increase College Student Success; PI: Huzefa Rangwala; Co-PIs: Aditya Johri, Jaime Lester; Award Date: 09/01/2014-2018; Award Amount: $766,202.00

G11. NSF-EEC-1408674, EAGER: Collaborative Research: Data Ecosystems for Catalysing Transformative Research in Engineering Education. Role: PI; Amount: $150K; REU Supplement: $18.5K (2014-2016)

G10. NSF-EEC-1424444 TILES: Trajectories of Informal Learning Among Engineering Students. PI. Johri, A. Co-PIs: Bland, L. & Islam, K. $450K. 2014-2017

G9. NSF-DUE-1444277, Deep Insights Anytime, Anywhere (DIA2) - Central Resource for Characterizing the TUES Portfolio through Interactive Knowledge Mining and Visualizations. Johri, A. (PI), Domeniconi, C. (co-PI). Total: $3.2 Million (Collaborators: Purdue, Stanford & ASU); Share: $710, 036. 09/14-08/17.

G8. NSF-ACI-1355955 EAGER: Kinetic Computing Sculpture: A functional parallel cluster of Raspberry Pi computers that inspire computational thinking, PI: Kirk Cameron; Role: Co-PI; Amount: $150K. (2013-2014)

G7. NSF-EEC-0954034, Early CAREER Award, Investigating Global Engineering Work Practices to Prepare 21st Century Engineers (Role: PI, $406,987; $50,000 supplement by VT COE); 01/10-12/14.

G6. NSF-DUE-TUES, Advancing Personalized Engineering Learning Via an Adaptive Concept Map, (Role: Co-PI; PI: Chris Williams, $198, 753). 09/11-12/14.

G5. NSF-EEC-0935124: Collaborative Research: Interactive Knowledge Networks for Engineering Education Research (Role: PI; Co-PI: G. Alan Wang; Total: $400K, VT: $132,474). 09/10-08/12

G4. NSF-EEC-0835892: AdWiki: Cultivating a Wiki-Based Online Community of Practice for Advising Engineering Students (Role: PI, Co-PI: Jenny Lo, $99,927) 09/08-08/10

G3. NSF-EEC-0935143: Collaborative Proposal (IEECI Exploratory): Identifying Practices and Tools to Promote Newcomer Participation in Cyberlearning Environments (Role: PI, Total: $200K, VT: $99,401).

G2 NSF-EEC-0832002: Building Connections within the Engineering Education Research Community (PI: Lisa McNair, Role: Co-PI, $367, 154) 09/08-08/10

G1. NSF-IIS-0757540: Examining Creativity with IT in Engineering Design (X-CITED) (Role: PI, Co-PIs: Deborah Tatar, Vinod Lohani, $209,641). 09/08-08/11

Internal Grants

IG8. Stearns Center/ARIE Course Improvement Grant with Nupoor Ranade. (2022-2023), Role: PI; Total: $16,500

IG7. Provost Curriculum Improvement Grant in Computing, Engineering, and Science Education with Jill Nelson and others, Total: $22,000

IG6. Faculty Learning Community (FLC) in Engineering Education, Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning, PI: Aditya Johri, Co-PI: Jaime Lester, Nada Dabbagh, Margret Hjalmarson, Total: $3,500

IG5. 4-VA Initiative Grant "Mechanical Objects and the Engineering Learner: An Experimental Study of How the Presence of Objects Affects Students' Performance on Engineering Related Tasks," Role: co-PI; PI: Diana Bairaktarova, Virginia Tech; Role: Collaborator, Total: $30,000; GMU Portion: $5,000

IG4. VT College of Engineering Dean?s Faculty Fellow, $5,000 per annum for three years (Availed for 2013)

IG3. Pratt Fellowship for International Research; Sponsor: Virginia Tech College of Engineering; Amount: $6,000; Role: PI (100%); Date: August 2010 - May 2011

IG2. Small Grant for Exploratory Research; Sponsor: Virginia Tech Office of International Research, Education, and Development; Amount: $2,500; Role: PI (100%); Date: 2009-2010

IG1. Virginia Tech Knowledge Networks; Sponsor: Institute for Critical Technology & Applied Sciences, Virginia Tech; Amount: $35,000; Role: PI; Co-Investigator: Wang, G. A.; Dates: 2008-2009

Aditya Johri @ johri at gmu dot edu