Aditya Johri


Invited Presentations/Talks

43. Johri, A. (2024). Ethics of AI in Learner-Centric Education. Invited Panel Discussion, T4E/COMPUTE 2024, IIT Gandhinagar, Dec. 7, 2024, with A. Gupta, R. Rajendran, R. Jogeshwar, and S.Grover.

42. Johri, A. (2024). Creating and Using Role-Play Case Studies to Teach Computing Ethics. ISTEP, University of Toronto, Feb. 13, 2024.

41. Johri, A. (2024). Conducting Engineering Education Research that Matters. Keynote Presentation, REES 2024, January 6, 2024, Hubli, India (Online).

40. Johri, A. (2023). Capacity Building for Engineering Education Research (EER) in the U.S. (2003-2023). Keynote Presentation, 18th International Symposium of the Chinese Society of Engineering Education, December 8, 2023, Hangzhou, China (Online).

39. Johri, A. (2023). The Future of Engineering Education Research. Plenary Keynote Panel at SEFI 2023 with B. Williams, J. Mitchell, D. Martin & K. Edstrom, September 11, 2023, Dublin, Ireland.

38. Johri, A. (2023). International Handbook of Engineering Education Research. Roundtable at 5th International Conference of Portuguese Society of Engineering Education, Guimaraes, Portugal, July 6, 2023 (Online).

37. Johri, A. (2022). Review of engineering education research with implications for teaching and learning. School of Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, October 13, 2022.

36. Johri, A. (2022). Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Cognition, and an Ethical Society. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auburn University, September 9, 2022.

35. Johri, A. (2022). AI, Ethics, and Higher Education. Invited panel presentation at Center for Engineering Education, University College of London, July 19, 2022.

34. Johri, A. (2022). New Modes of Cooperation in the (New) Global South. Invited panel presentation at the 25 years of Socio-Informatics Conference, Siegen, Germany, June 10, 2022.

33. Johri, A. (2022). AI, Ethics, and Human Cognition. Institute for Ethics in AI (IEAI) Seminar Series, Munich, Germany, May 30, 2022.

32. Johri, A. (2022). AI Ethics, Human Cognition, and Society. Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Magdeburg, Germany, May 12, 2022.

31. Johri, A. (2022). Do Algorithms Run the World? Osher Lifelong Learning Institute GMU and AARP VA, February 18, 2022.

30. Johri, A. (2021). Lifelong and Lifewide Learning in Engineering. KTH Stockholm, December 6, 2021.

29. Johri, A. (2021). Editing Engineering Education Research Handbooks and Institutionalizing an Academic Field. KTH Stockholm, December 3, 2021.

28. Johri, A. (2021). Instructional Design in Engineering: Designing Engineering Education Programs for Continuous Improvement. ENACT Project, University of Tampere, December 3, 2021.

27. Johri, A. (2021). Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Cognition, and Ethics. CRAI-CIS Seminar Series, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Finland, November 24, 2021.

26. Johri, A. (2021). Artificial Intelligence (AI), Ethics, and Society: Implications for Education. Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia, November 5, 2021.

25. Johri, A. (2021). A Socio-Cognitive Exploration of AI Ethics with Implications for Practice. AI Governance and Auditing (AIGA) Consortium, University of Turku, Finland, October 28, 2021.

24. Johri, A. (2021). AI Ethics Education and the Moral Imagination of Educators. TU Eindhoven, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, October 13, 2021.

23. Johri, A. (2021). All Tech is Human. American Voices Seminar, Fulbright Finland Foundation and University of Turku, Finland, October 8, 2021.

22. Johri, A. (2021). AI Ethics: A Socio-Cognitive Exploration. Nokia/Nokia Foundation, Finland (Virtual), October 5, 2021.

21. Johri, A. (2021). AI-Augmentation and Implications for AI & Society. Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) Retreat on AI & Society, August 26, 2021.

20. Johri, A. (2021). Interactive Role-Play Case Studies for Teaching Ethics. SEFI Ethics Seminar, March 4, 2021.

19. Johri, A. (2020). A Learning Ecology Perspective on Using Technology for Education. At International Webinar on Digitilization in Higher Education, June 13, 2020. Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences, Bengaluru, India.

18. Johri, A. (2019). AI-Augmented Engineering Education. Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech, November 1, 2019.

17. Johri, A. (2019). Informal Engineering Learning in Online Communities. Center for Teaching and Learning, Technical University, Hamburg, October 1, 2019.

16. Johri, A. (2019). Materiality Matter: Technology and Engineering Education. Keynote Address at Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES) 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.

15. Johri, A. (2019). More Than an Engineer: Intersectional Self-Expressions in a Hashtag Activism Campaign for Engineering Diversity, February 2019, Purdue University, Engineering Education Seminar.

14. Johri, A. (2012). Designed Transparency: Can Information Technology Reduce Corruption in Emerging Economies, HCI Seminar Series, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Virginia Tech.

13. Johri, A. (2012). Designed Transparency: Can ICT Reduce Corruption? (February 2012), Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

12. Johri, A. (2012). Practicing Global Engineering: A Research, Education and Outreach Challenge. (January 2012), Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, Tufts University, Boston, MA.

11. Madhavan, K.P.C., Xian, H., Vorvoreanu, M., Johri, A., Jesiek, B., Wang, A., & Wankat, P. (2010). The FIE Story ­ 1991 to 2009. Invited video presentation featured at the Frontiers in Education Conference 2010, October 2010. The video is available online at:

10. Johri, A. (2010). Engineering and Development: Values and Design. Microsoft Research Labs, Bangalore, India, September, 2010.

9. Johri, A. (2010). Computational Literacy: The Reshaping of Human Practices through Digital Representations. School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, February 9, 2010.

8. Johri, A. (2007). Innovation in a Flat and Networked World. GENENCOR Inc., Palo Alto, CA, July 10, 2007.

7. Johri, A. (2006). Mediated Impressions: How Digital Technology Affects Impression Formation and Shapes Collaboration and Learning. Department of Educational Theory and Practice, School of Education, State University of New York at Albany, December 2006.

6. Johri, A. (2006). Technology and Collaboration in R&D Laboratories. Microsoft Research Labs, Bangalore, India, September 2006.

5. Johri, A. (2006). Graduate Education in the U.S. Annual Retreat of the Department of New Media and Information Systems, University of Siegen, Germany, August 2006.

4. Johri, A. (2006). Interpersonal Impression Formation in a Community of Practice. Departmental Seminar, Department of New Media and Information Systems, University of Siegen, Germany, July 2006.

3. Johri, A. (2005). Understanding Impression Formation and Impression Accuracy Among Distributed Coworkers. Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany, August 2005.

2. Hinds, P. & Johri, A. (2004). Understanding Impression Accuracy among Distributed Coworkers. MediaX Conference, Stanford University, Nov. 2004.

1. Johri, A. (2003). Fundamentals of Digital Design. Workshop on Digital Communication, Department of Communication, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India, March 2003.

Refreed Conference/Workshop Presentations

28. Lahiri, A., Krishnan, N., Kier, A., Pal, J. & Johri, A. (2021). Building resilience following a policy shock: Evidence from India's demonetization. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2021.

27. Lahiri, A., Krishnan, N., Kier, A., Pal, J. & Johri, A. (2021). Building Resilience Following A Policy Shock: Evidence From India's Demonetization. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2021. (45% Acceptance Rate)

26. Johri, A. (2019). Searching as Purposeful Workplace Learning for Problem-Solving and Knowledge Construction. I Search Therefore I Learn (ISTIL) Workshop, September 2019, Magdeburg, Germany.

25. Almatrafi, O., Rangwala, H., Johri, A. & Lester, J. (2016). Using Learning Analytics to Trace Academic Trajectories of CS and IT Students to Better Understanding Successful Pathways to Graduation. Proceeding SIGCSE '16 691-691.

24. Lester, J., Klein, C., Rangwala, H. & Johri, A. (2017). Learning Dashboards: How Data Accuracy, Context, and Trust Impact Student Sensemaking and Learning Behaviors. Presentation at AERA 2017.

23. Chowdhury, B. & Johri, A. (2017). Collaborative Interdisciplinary Computational Thinking. AERA Symposium on Stories from the Field: Integrating Computational Thinking Across Curricular Domains.

22. Johri, A., Vorvoreanu, M., Madhavan, K. (2016). Data Sharing in Engineering Education. Special Session Presentation at ASEE 2016.

21. Lester, J., Klein, C., Rangwala, H. & Johri, A. (2016). Educational Data Mining and Higher Education. AERA Symposium.

20. Lester, J., Klein, C., Rangwala, H. & Johri, A. (2015). Leveraging learning analytics for teaching and advising: Barriers and behaviors related to adoption by faculty and staff. ASHE, Denver, CO.

19. Johri, A., Madhavan, K., Vorvoreanu, M., Lichtenstein, G., Chen, H., Sheppard, S. & McKenna, A. (2014). Lessons from the DIA2 project for undertaking cyberinfrastructure-based team science. Science of Team Science Conference, Austin, TX, August 6-8, 2014.

18. Johri, A. (2014). Lessons for Large-scale Learning and Teaching for Higher Education Institutions from Online Forums. ICA Preconference on Innovations in Higher Education, Seattle, WA, May 22, 2014.

17. Johri, A. (2014). Data Sharing Frameworks for Education Research. Position paper for Sharing, re-use and circulation of resources in cooperative scientific work, Workshop at CSCW 2014, February, Baltimore, U.S.

16. Johri, A. (2014). Technology as catalyst and context: Global software development through Postcolonial Third Spaces. Position paper for Workshop on Global Software Development in a CSCW Perspective, February, Baltimore, U.S.

15. Johri, A. & Sharma, A. (2011). Designing for Development: Three Preliminaries Studies from Field Research in India. Workshop on Mobile Collaboration in the Developing World at ACM CSCW 2011, Hangzhou, China, March 20, 2011.

14. Johri, A. (2010). Leveraging the Digital Media Ecology in a Distributed Firm. Presented at the International Symposium of Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, Dec. 18, 2010.

13. Johri, A. (2009). Using Case Studies and Case Preparation Kits to Teach Global Team Competency. Poster Session at the 12th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education, Ames, Iowa October 22-25, 2009.

12. Johri, A. (2009). Multiplicity and Personalization: How Global Engineers Develop Successful Technology-Mediated Work Practices, 12th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education, Ames, Iowa October 22-25, 2009.

11. Johri, A. (2009). Demo or Die: The Collective Championing of Digital Innovations in an R&D Organization. Academy of Management, 2009, Chicago, IL.

10. Johri, A. (2008). Why We See Coworkers Differently: Situational and Institutional Shaping of Impressions. Presented at Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division Session on Individuals and Distributed Work, Academy of Management, 2008, Anaheim, CA.

9. Johri, A. (2006). Interpersonal Impression Formation in a Community of Practice. Doctoral Consortium International Conference of Learning Sciences, June 2006, Bloomington, Indiana.

8. Johri, A. (2005). Working Across the Pacific: A Field Study of Impression Formation among Distributed Coworkers in an R&D Organization, Doctoral Consortium Workshop, European Computer Supported Cooperative Work, September 2005, Paris, France.

7. Johri, A. (2005). Understanding Impression Formation and Impression Accuracy Among Distributed Coworkers. Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division, Academy of Management, 2005, Honolulu, HI.

6. Johri, A. (2005) Knowing Others: Understanding Interpersonal Impression Formation Among Learners in Technology Mediated Communities of Practice. Student Community Workshop, Computer Supported Cooperative Learning, May 2005, Taipei, Taiwan. (Published in supplemental proceedings of the conference)

5. Johri, A. (2005). Understanding and Developing a “Learning Relationship” in Computer Supported Learning Communities. Fostering Learning Communities Workshop, Computer Supported Cooperative Learning, May 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.

4. Johri, A. (2005). Sharing Interpersonal and Contextual Knowledge: Developing a Community of Practice in Distributed Online Learning Environments. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, 2005, Montreal, Canada.

3. Johri, A. (2005). Using Structuration Theory to Analyze and Understand Technology Use in a Distributed Online Learning Environment. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, 2005, Montreal, Canada.

2. Johri, A. (2003). When the Technology that Facilitates is also the Technology that Inhibits: Results from the Case Study of a Cross-Cultural Online Learning Environment. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, 2003, Chicago, IL.

1. Barron, B., Martin, C., Mercier, E., Pilner, K., Mathias, A., Johri, A, & Walter, S. (2003). Patterns of Participation in Fluency-Building Experiences in a High-tech Community: Implications for Bridging Divides by Design. Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association, 2003, Chicago, IL.

Please note: Electronic copies of these articles are provided as a professional courtesy for personal and classroom use only. Copyright belongs to the publishers. Commercial use or mass reproduction of these articles is prohibited. The research presented here has been supported by multiple grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award #s: 1712129, 1707837, 1733634, 1444277, 1447489, 1424444, 1408674, 1355955, 1122609, 0954034 (CAREER Award), 0935124, 0935143, 0835892, 0757540) and internal funding. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.