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Dr. Jenefir Isbister Publications

Preliminary Investigations of Proteome, Metabolome and Transcriptome following Amoxicillin Treatments of S. pneumoniae.
Isbister, J., K. Lauer, G. Molina, D. Lundsford, R. Guttendorf, E. Rudnic, R. Harding, D. Barzaghi. 2004
Poster presented at the 44 th annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Washington , DC .


Gene Expression Analyses of non-sequenced S. pneumoniae Strains: Preliminary Results and Challenges.
Molina, G., D. Barzaghi, F. Gorreta, J. Isbister. 2004
Poster presented at the AS Genomics and Bioinformatics Conference, Portland , OR .


Use of Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization-time-of-flight to Explore Bacterial Proteomes .
Barzaghi, D., J. Isbister, K. Lauer and T. Born. 2004. Proteomics 2004, 4, 2624-2628.


Responses of S. pneumoniae to Once-Daily and Pulsatile Amoxicillin Treatments in vitro: Cell Survival and SELDI Protein Profiles.
Barzaghi, D., R. Harding, G. Molina, K. Lauer, J. Isbister 2004.
Poster presented at 1014 th ASM General Meeting, New Orleans , LA.


In vitro Evaluation of Antibiotic Delivery Systems.
Isbister, E. Rudnic, R. Harding, D. Treacy, V. Chandhoke, J. White. 2002.
Poster presented at the 102 nd ASM General Meeting, Salt Lake City , UT.


Tetracycline Concentrations and Microbial Antibiotic Resistance in Sediments from Pocomoke River , MD , and a Tributary to the Chester River , MD.
Simon, N.S.and J. Isbister. 2001.
Presented at the Chesapeake Bay Conference, St. Michael's, MD, Nov, 2001.


Factors Affecting the Bioavailability of Phosphate in Bottom Sediments from the Conowingo Reservoir and Susquehanna River , MD. Presented at the Am. Geophys. Union Mtg, San Francisco , CA .
Simon , N.S. , J. Isbister and M. Langland. 2000


Phosphorus Geochemistry in Popes Creek , VA , and in the Pocomoke River , MD: Two Watersheds with different Land Management Practices in the Chesapeake Bay Basin .
Simon , N.S. and Jenefir Isbister. 2000.
Presented at the Hydrology Section in the session Animal Feeding Operations: Environmentla Quality , Washington , DC , Ma 30-June 3.


Natureopathic Defense Compounds Modulating Termite Behavior.
Dodson, B.L., R. VonHanwehr, V. CHandhoke, C.E. Swenberg, D.E. Lewis and J. Isbister. 1999. Poster presented at 3 rd Intl. Conf. on Urban Pests, Prague , Czech Republic , July 1999.


Nalys8s of low-molecular mass products from biosolubilized coal.
Toth-Allen, J., A.P. Torzilli and J.D. Isbister. 1994.
FEMS Microbiology Letters 116:283-286


Comparison of Coal Solubilizing Agents from Fungi and Bacteria ,
Torzilli, A. and J. Isbister. 1994. Biodegradation 5:55-62.


Bioprocessing of Coal, in Environmental Biotechnology: Reducing Risk from Environmental Chemicals through Biotechnology (ed G.S. Omen)
Isbister, J.D., R.E. Wyza, J. Lippold, A.E.DeSouza and G.L. Anspach, 1987.
Plenum Press, NY.


Biogasification of low-rank coals in Microbial Transformations of Low-Rank Coals, (ed E. Crawford).
Isbister, J.D. and S. Barik (1992). CRC Press, Boca Raton , FL.


Bioconversion of chicken waste to value-added products
Barik, S., T. Forgacs and J. Isbister (1991), Bioresource Technology 36:229-234.


Composting for decontamination of soils containing explosives
Isbister, J.D., G.L. Anspach, J.F. Kitchens and R.C. Doyle (1984),
Microbiologica 7(1): 47-73.


A new method for monitoring cellulose and starch degradation in soils,
Isbister, J.D., R.S. Shippen and J. Caplan (1980)
Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol. 24:570-574.

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Last updated 11/10/06
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