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Dr. Jenefir Isbister


Dr. Jenefir D. Isbister



Office: Room 306 Discovery Hall

Work Phone: 703-993-4041

Fax: 703-993-2676

Email: jisbiste@gmu.edu



Research Interests:

  • Applied microbiology
  • Investigation of fungal products for commercial application
  • Evaluation of a natural antifreeze
  • Development of rapid test methods for determination of water quality
  • Investigation of the effects of increased phosphates in estuarine environments
  • Investigation of effects of sewage outfalls, boat dock facilities on biodiversity
    in streams and estuaries
  • Evaluation of antibiotic delivery systems for enhancing efficacy and decreasing development of resistant microorgamisms
  • Microbial transcriptome, proteome and metabolome responses to antibiotic treatment.

Holds two Rapid Microbial Assay Patents and two Sulfur removal patents

  • Total culturable bacteria; Kool Kount Assay
  • Rapid Assays for E. coli and Coliforms
  • Rapid Fungal Assay (patent pending)
  • Holds two patents for removal of organic sulfur from coal
Supplemental Data



George Mason Universiity
10900 University, BLVD
Manassas VA, 20110

Last updated 11/10/06
Comments about this website: please e-mail June Liu

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