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Quiz Number 6 Answers

SWE 432, Fall 2008
October 13

  1. In class, did we say that we have more engineers or more physicists?

  2. In class, how did we say that computer science differs from other sciences?
    No natural phenomena to understand

  3. Answer each of the following with either a T=true, F=false):
    1.   T   JavaScript is not strongly typed.
    2.   T   Users can use forms and submit data without running the JavaScript.
    3.   F   JavaScript is a subset of Java.
    4.   T   JavaScript is executed on the client.

  4. From the users' perspective, describe what the following JavaScript function does.
          <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
            function F1 ()
    It sets the focus in the "age" field of the form "formA".