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Quiz Number 5 Answers

SWE 432, Fall 2008
October 6

  1. Answer each of the following with either a T=true, F=false):
    1.   T   Color should be used to categorize information.
    2.   F   Red text on a blue background is very comfortable to read.
    3.   F   Very dark backgrounds are better for web pages.
    4.   T   Green is a restful color.

  2. Answer each of the following with either a T=true, F=false:
    1.   T   Home pages should contain search boxes.
    2.   F   Users find what they are looking for on Web sites almost all the time.
    3.   F   Unimportant information should be on the left side of the screen.

  3. Briefly identify all usability problems with the following URL: http://www.ise.gmu.edu/home01/GeorgeP-Burdell
    (1) Uses 0 and 1, (2) Upper case, (3) dash "-"