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Quiz Number 7 Answers

SWE 432, Fall 2008
October 20

  1. Answer each of the following with either a T=true, F=false:
    1.   F   PHP is executed on the client
    2.   F   PHP includes strong type checking
    3.   T   PHP programs can access the database
    4.   T   PHP is an interpreted language

  2. What do "BOM" and "DOM" stand for and what are they?
    Browser Object Model and Document Object Model
    They are a collection of objects about the client's Web browser and the current HTML document. JavaScripts can access and manipulate the objects.

  3. What issues make it hard for PHP to be used for large applications?
    (one reason is enough for full credit)
    Lack of strong typing
    Program statements embedded in HTML is hard to read.
    Hard to break a large application into multiple components