


“Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.”
-Winnie the Pooh

In both my sales career and teaching career, I have been truly honored to have good mentors and to understand he value they bring to my development.  Those that really touched my life and added value were constructive and purposeful in their comments towards me.  I have tried to employ these in being a communicator and coach in my careers as well.

The Mindset of the Mentor:
Inside being a mentor, you become a part of a support system during critical stages of your academic and career development of new teachers and talent.  It offers a chance to spread your vision to others.  It also exposes new and old teachers alike to authentic problems and real world projects.  It offers an insiders perspective on navigating your career, as well as a clearer understanding and enhancement of  academic or career plans.  From my perspective, i enjoy exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences--plus having direct access to resources with in the teaching profession.  It helps me to identify skill games and gain greater knowledge of career success factors.  Lastly, being a mentor provides for the foundation of lasting professional network.

The Mindset of the Mentee:
The mentee is also a benefactor is these relationships, not only by definition but in terms of setting career goals and would enjoy the benefit of a mentor's guidance to create a plan for success.  If you are ready to listen and share ideas, it should be a give and take relationship.  Two way is the key.  Objective, clear and concise feedback to consider new ideas and new approaches suggested by a mentor must always be the case.  Realistic expectations in the relationship are also key.  No one is perfect and good relationships take honesty, effort and time.  Lastly, being a mentee demonstrates that you are ready to make a commitment for you future.  Communication with mentors will provide a huge benefits for not only me but for preparing students for the digital age.
