Title Introduction Executive Branch National Archives Executive Order Declassification Process Cheney Conclusion Further Research References

Vice President Cheney and the ISOO

Vice President Cheney and the ISOO

Currently, there are still disputes about the effectiveness and need for the Information Security Oversight Office. A recent example of this occurred towards the end of June, 2007. Vice President Dick Cheney and his office "argued [they] did not meet the definition of an executive branch agency and therefore [he and his office were] exempt" (www.cnn.com) from the duties of the ISOO and their handling of executive branch documents containing classified information. This has caused many arguments to erupt because people are afraid that the national security may be at risk. Vice President Cheney and his staff have been preventing the ISOO from coming to acquire and protect certain classified documents in his possession. This dispute is still causing problems and debates with many people. (www.cnn.com)


"Vice President Cheyney (on right) in 1987" (archives.gov, 2007)

