

textbook-distance learningThis course enabled me to explore various educational opportunities associated with distance learning. We examined how this form of learning and instruction differs from traditional classroom teaching. We also discussed how innovations such as the World Wide Web, computer-supported collaborative learning, shared environments, telementoring and virtual communities affect and shape this model of learning.

I researched on leading-edge software that facilitate distance education in the learning marketplace and evaluated some web-based instruction sites.


textbook-instructional designThis course taught me to analyze, apply, and evaluate the principles of instructional design to develop education and training materials. In designing instructional materials, I am reminded that it is important to know my audience and their learning goals. People learn so differently. I enjoy the diversity. However, one challenge remains--putting textbook theories into practice.

Authoring Tools  

textbook-Authorware 4 AuthorizedI was excited learning about Authorware 4.0 in this course. The software makes it possible to make learning interactive and fun. At the end of the course, I was able to interact with the software interface, construct instructional sequences, import video and audio clips and create a presentational package.

Web-Based Instructional Tools  

This course exposed me to the tools available for publishing documents on the World Wide Web. This included software programs such as Macromedia Dreamweaver and Fireworks, Microsoft Frontpage,
Adobe Photoshop and HTML.

The World Wide Web has so much to offer, knowing the tools associated with it prepared me to be an effective contributor in this medium.


resume projects experience