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Image References
"vm_map.gif" on contactus.html page created December 9, 2013. Image is taken from CIA Factbook and is public domain.

"vm_045.jpg" on connect.html page created December 9, 2013. Image is taken from CIA Factbook and is public domain.

"vm_lgflag.gif" on explore.html page created December 9, 2013. Image is taken from CIA Factbook and is public domain.

"vm_009.jpg" on getinvolved.html page created December 9, 2013. Image is taken from CIA Factbook and is public domain.


Video Reference

Inspironia (Poster). (2010, March 14). Life in Malawi [video file]. Retrieved December 9, 2013 from and used with permission from Youtube - Terms of Service:

Disclaimer: This is a fictitous company and is developed as an education project

Fair Use: materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use

Last updated December 11, 2013

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