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aWhy are you located on the East Coast?

We initially started out as a club to bolster the Vietnamese community and were located in northern Virginia. We then spread out towards Maryland.

How many members do you currently have?

We currently have approximately 200 members not including volunteers.

Is this organization only for Vietnamese people?

Of course not. We welcome help from all nationalities.

How do you help Vietnam from across the globe?

We gather donations and money received from events and send it over to our headquarters every six months. The headquarters then use the money to purchase resources and provide relief for the people in vietnam

Will you help other countries?

Right now our main focus is steered towards Vietnam. We are hoping to collaborate with other organizations in the future to create an association so that we could benefit from each other.

Disclaimer: This is a fictitous company and is developed as an education project

Fair Use: materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use

Last updated December 11, 2013

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