Each Educational Objective has one supporting lesson. To learn more about a lesson, click the Educational Objective.

Educational Objective: Apply adult learning theories in the EPME classroom.

Educational Objective: Develop a decision-forcing case.

Educational Objective: Demonstrate the fundamentals of teaching.

Educational Objective: Facilitate Combat Conditioning sessions.

Educational Objective: Apply the principles of interpersonal communication in an educational environment.

Educational Objective: Provide quantitative, qualitative peer feedback to fellow faculty advisors using the EPME Faculty Advisor Evaluation Form (FAEF).

Educational Objective: Perform research in preparation for lesson facilitation.

Educational Objective: Develop a lesson plan from an EPME master lesson file.

Educational Objective: Apply the Socratic method to classroom facilitation.

Educational Objective: Facilitate classroom instruction using active teaching strategies.

Educational Objective: Use available resources to make/modify appropriate visual aids.

Educational Objective: Provide feedback to a writing assignment.

Educational Objective: Apply the Paul & Elder critical thinking model during classroom facilitation.

Educational Objective: Establish EPME classrooms that physically and socially support adult learning.

Educational Objective: Apply legal & ethical principles during the facilitation of Enlisted Professional Military Education Curriculum as necessary.

Educational Objective: Participate in experential learning with ethical topics.

Educational Objective: Apply the EPME Procedures Manual.

Educational Objective: Appropriately recommend students for administrative action.

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