The Marine Corps' resident program for enlisted Professional Military Education (PME) takes place at six regional Staff Noncommissioned Officer (SNCO) Academies. The faculty at these academies consists entirely of enlisted Faculty Advisors, who work to teach enlisted Marines in the subjects (also know as learning areas) of Warfighting, Joint Operations, Administration, Communication, Leadership, and Professional Ethics.

Each faculty advisor begins his or her three-year tour at the academy by attending the three-week long Faculty Advisors Course aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia.

This website is designed to present the scope, outcomes, objectives, and structure of the Faculty Advisors Course.

FAC Program Outcome: Graduates of the course will be able to facilitate professional military education (PME) through the application of teaching philosophies, instructional strategies, and behavior modeling.

Marines learning to teach

On this introductory website, you'll find out how the FAC is organized to reach the program outcome, and how new Faculty Advisors are educated and assessed.

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