All About Telecommunications
Teleco Image

1) Telecommunications Tools--

Learn--Over the course of the semester, we evolved from: chain mail to asynchronous communication/book clubs—postings on the Black Board, and then finally, real time synchronous chats.

Know—Which technology/tool to use in what environment to have the most affordance for student success.

Act--Engage and use these types of tools where they can be fit in--securely to the course.  Real time feed back is always the best but it is difficult to monitor in an educational setting.

Check List

Evaluation Checklist(s)—

Learned—How to develop a web check list to help with criteria for web/information validity.  Why web/information validity is invaluable in the Net Gen--they believe that if it is posted.  It is the Gospel. 

Know--Just because it is out on the web, does not make it valid or accurate.  Additional steps are necessary to ensure objectivity and accuracy.

Act—Ensure all information searched on the Internet is cross-referenced for validity.

Web Evaluation Check List
Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt—

Learn—The successful elements of a scavenger hunt and how to collaboratively work together. 

Know--As a team, we had to break down 13 topics, research Internet sites, and generate a standard slide show. The beginning slide introduced the major themes from our era and the last slide had to make connection of these historical themes to their relevance with future technologies.

Act—As an educator, need to integrate this tool into my designers bag.

Decades Power Point

Web quests—

Learn--A very enjoyable 2 classes or so.  Here we learned the correct structure and form of web quest.  We also did a Web quest about web quests.  Also reconfirmed the importance of the authentic problem and being careful about  searching  and cross referencing.

Know--Evaluating content on sites, scaffolding and structure.  Also learned the various types of web quests and inserting Authentic Problems into our projects.  We then performed a travel web quest.  We had to develop one of our own for submission

Act—Much like the scavenger hunt, this will be integrated into my designers tool bag.

Artifacts—Letter to Uncle, web quest brochure, our web quest

Letter to Uncle
Web Quest Brochure
My Web Quest
Lesson Plan

Telecommunications Lesson Plan—

Learn—To apply the concepts from class throughout the second half of the semester, to construct a telecommunications lesson plan. 

Know--A persuasive essay was also done to support why telecom lessons are an important part of teacher preparation and should be an integral part of our Designers Bag for students.

Act—See previous.  This will be added to my designer’s tool bag. Great ideas for motivation.

Teleco Lesson Plan
Supporting Essay
Student Sample
Student Project Description
