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Refereed Articles

  • Haynes, K., Chen, Z., (Forthcoming 2014). Infrastructure and Regional Development, the International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Noel Castree, Michael Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, Dick Marston and Douglas Richardson (Eds.), Wiley-AAG.
  • Chen, Z., (Forthcoming 2014). Cultural Constraints on High-Speed Rail in the US: Is American Exceptionalism an Explanation?Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies.
  • Chen, Z., Haynes, K., (Forthcoming 2014). Regional Impact of Public Transportation Infrastructure: A Spatial Panel Assessment of the U.S. Northeast Megaregion, Economic Development Quarterly.
  • Chen, Z., Haynes, K., (2014). Impact of High-Speed Rail on International Tourism: Evidence from China, Applied Economic Letters.
  • Chen, Z., Haynes, K., (Forthcoming 2014). Spatial Impact of Transportation Infrastructure: A Spatial Econometric CGE Approach, Regional Science Matters – Studies dedicated to Walter Isard, Adam Rose and Peter Nijkamp (Eds.), Springer-Verlag.
  • Button, K., Chen, Z., (2014).Demand Forecasting Errors and the Ownership of Infrastructure, Applied Economic Letters, 21(7), 494-496.
  • Chen, Z., Haynes, K.,(2014).Public Surface Transportation and Regional Output: A Spatial Panel Approach, Papers in Regional Science.
  • Chen, Z. and Haynes, K., (2013). Transportation Capital in the US: A Multimodal General Equilibrium Analysis, Public Works Management and Policy.
  • Daito, N., Chen, Z., Gifford, J., Porter, T. and Gudgel, J., (2013).Implementing Public Private Partnerships during Challenging Economic Times: the I-495 Capital Beltway Express Lanes Project Case Study, Case Studies on Transport Policy.1(1):25-45.
  • Chen, Z. (2011). Is the Policy Window Open for High Speed Rail in the United States: A Perspective from the Multiple Streams Model for Policymaking, Transportation Law Journal, 38 (2), 115-144.
  • Button, K., Chen, Z., (Under review 2013). Extent Transportation PPPs Approximate to the Economic Theory of Bilateral Monopolies, Contemporary Economic Policy.
  • Chen.Z.,Haynes, K., (Under review 2013). Multilevel Assessment of Public Transportation Infrastructure: A Spatial Econometric Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Annals of Regional Science.
  • Chen, Z. Daito, N., and Gifford, J., (Under review 2013). Do State Fiscal Constraints Affect Implementation of Highway Public-Private Partnerships? A Panel Fixed Logit Assessment, Journal of Transportation Research Forum.

Non-Refereed Articles

  • Audikana, A., Chen.Z., (Forthcoming 2014). For the Power, Against the Power: the Political Enunciations of the High-Speed Rail in Europe, United States and China, Discourses and Ideologies of Mobility, Marcel Endres, Katharina Manderscheid, and Christophe Mincke (Eds.), Ashgate Publishing.
  • Chen, Z., Haynes, K.,(Under review 2013). Policy and Planning of High Speed Rail, In Mark Garrett and Geoffrey Golson (ed.) Encyclopedia of Transportation, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
  • Chen, Z., Haynes, K., (Under review 2013). Equilibrium_Modeling, In Mark Garrett and Geoffrey Golson (ed.) Encyclopedia of Transportation, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Haynes, K., Chen, Z., (Under review 2013). Origin-Destination Models, In Mark Garrett and Geoffrey Golson (ed.) Encyclopedia of Transportation, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Chen, Z., China Railway Reform Update.Intercity Rail Passenger Systems Update. A newsletter for the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Intercity Passenger Rail, Summer 2013.
  • Chen, Z., Book Review: City Distribution and Urban Freight Transport: Multiple Perspectives (edited by Macharis and Melo). The Review of Regional Studies, 2012, 42 (1), 95-97.
  • Chen, Z., Who Ride the High Speed Rail in the United States: The Acela Express Case Study (December 15, 2009). Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Rail Conference JRC2010 April 27-29, 2010, Urbana, Illinois, USA.
  • Lu, S., Chen, Z., The Application Research of RFID in Railroad Ticket, Railway Transport and Economy, Vol. 30, 2008, pp. 25-27 (in Chinese)
  • Lu, S., Chen, Z., Wang, J. and Wu, Y. Research on Automatic Positioning Stocktaking System based on RFID,Logistics Technology, Vol. 27, 2008,8 pp. 212-214 (in Chinese)
  • Chen, Z., Problem Discussion on Implementing the System of Real Name on Railroad Ticket, Comprehensive Transportation, Vol. 313, 2007, pp. 30-33 (in Chinese)


  • “Building the Professional Capacity for Multimodal Planning in Virginia”.Sponsored by Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment and Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Commonwealth of Virginia, June, 2012.
  • “U.S. Seaports and Megaregions: A Social Network Analysis Approach”. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, 2011.
  • “State Infrastructure Banks: A Virginia Perspective”. Sponsored by the Office of the Virginia Secretary of Transportation, November, 2010.
  • “Mega-regions and Freight: Evidence from the Commodity Flow Survey and Freight Analysis Framework”. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, 2010.
  • “Five Year Plan Analysis for Demand and Planning of Human Resource in Transportation Industry in Shenzhen”.Sponsored by the Shenzhen Bureau of Transportation, China, 2008.
  • “Construction of RFID Card System for Container Truck Management in Shenzhen”.Sponsored by the Shenzhen Bureau of Transportation, China, 2008.
  • “Research of the Authorized Mark Implementation for Container Truck Management in Shenzhen”.Sponsored by the Shenzhen Bureau of Transportation, China, 2008.
  • “Feasibility Study of GPS Installation on Container Truck in Shenzhen”.Sponsored by the Shenzhen Bureau of Transportation, China, 2008.