In order to blossom into a flower, seeds are first put
into the ground where they then sprout roots. Next, buds begin
to sprout. The stems stretch high into the sky. From the stems,
many leaves emerge. Finally, a beautiful flower blossoms.
However, none of this can happen without water. When I was thinking
of how I could express my interests, experiences, and dissertation plan
pictorially into a coherent conceptual framework, I realized that I
could use the anology of comparing my research interests and experiences
to that of how a flower blossoms.
Roots (My own experience of disability)
My interest in Assistive Technology (AT) roots from
my own experience of disability . I, myself, have a disability,
cerebral palsy. That affects my speech and my mobility. Nevertheless,
I can tell you that I am one of the most happiest ladies in the world.
I have everything (even a disability ^^), including my wonderful parents
and two brothers, a nice husband, cutty two children, good friends...
I studied in Computer Science, for both Bachelor and
Master program in America. After I thought over my future career, I
changed my major into Assistive Technology, because I like to
work for people with disability. And I thought that having a background
in the Special Education field, is essential to better benefit the disabled
Starting from using AAC by myself, my interest
toward AT is more enhanced. I am very satisfied with using AAC. Gradually,
I became curious about how other people who use AAC think of their device
and how their lives are different after using AAC.
After using AAC, my life becomes more professional. For example,
I presented several national presentations using AAC. I cannot
think of presenting a national conference without AAC.
And my interrnship and independent study in Korea is also
very related to my interst of AAC. What I did mainly during the internship,
was communicating and teaching with students, using boardmaker picture
board. During my independent study, I interviewed parents who have
children with disabilities and found theme.
Since my background is not in a social science before entering a
doctoral program, I never learned how to conduct research in social
science. Three research courses (EDRS 810, 811, 812) that I have taken
so far in a doctoral program, provided with a great basis to begin
professional research endeavors in the Assistive Technology
I have other professional experiences since I have been in
the doctoral program in Assistive Technology. I paricipated in several
national conferences in Assitive Technology field. Next, I introduce
articles, regarding disabilities issues and special education in the
U.S., in a bi-monthly magazine of "Field Special Education". which
is published by "Korea Institute for Special Education". In addition,
I participated in LAO (Literacy Access Online) project as a research
assistant for two semester. Last, I am currently a webmaster of KSCP
(Korean Society for the Cerabral Palsied).
Based on all the things above, now I have a curiosity regarding
other's AAC experiences. Why have participants started to use
AAC? How does AAC affect participants' lives? What are participants'
own know-how (successful strategies), and so on, and so forth.