Title Page Introduction Medicine Telemedicine Benefits and Challanges Conclusion Bibliography


The living baby boomer generation, today makes up the senior citizens population. Due to this sudden influx of senior citizens there will inevitably be an increase of sick individuals. This increase then causes a shortage of doctors and caretakers. The rising urgency for healthcare seen all over the world is almost impossible to provide for. Helpless people in rural areas in need of healthcare are unable to access it. For those who can access healthcare, the issue of spending money, traveling, and time, become a headache. The availability of training for individuals in healthcare requires traveling which can also become expensive. Many patients can’t travel and require assistance from their home.

These few drawbacks have caused health care professionals to look for alternative methods for clinical diagnosis. A few years ago when computers weren’t as mainstream as they are today, the question of clinical diagnosis through the use of a computer was unfathomable. As the primary goal of healthcare is serving the public with the utmost assistance, only a new and more attainable form could be used. This new form of healthcare, called telemedicine, marked the opening of doors in many arenas.