Tomasz Arciszewski is promoting a new education paradigm within engineering, appropriately called "Successful Education."

Front of the book translated into Mandarin language.

Back of the book "Successful Education..." translated into Mandarine language.

"Successful Education..."
translated into Polish
List of my publications and patents.
Books and Book Chapters
"Successful Education: How to Educate Creative Engineers"
This book was translated into Mandarin and Polish Languages and several copies of a first edition in English are still available for purchase from my website www.successfuleducation.us.
This book was featured in the Mason Gazette and the presentation about it can be viewed on YouTube, as part 1 and part 2
- Arciszewski, T., Successful Education. How to Educate Creative Engineers, Kielce University of Technology Press, (in Polish), in press.
- Arciszewski, T., Successful Education. How to Educate Creative Engineers, (in Chinese), China Machine Press, August, 2012.
- Youmans, R., Arciszewski, T., “Design Fixation: A Cloak of Many Colors”, Design and Cognition, DCC’12, (Editor Gero, J.), Springer, June, 2012.
- Arciszewski, T., Successful Education. How to Educate Creative Engineers, Successful Education LLC, pp. 200, December, 2009.
- Arciszewski, T., Grabska, E., Harrison, C., “Visual Thinking in Inventive Design: Three Perspective,” (Invited), Soft Computing in Civil and Structural Engineering, Topping, B.H.V. and Tsompanakis, Y, (Editors), chapter 6, pp. 179-202, Saxe-Coburg Publications, UK, 2009.
- Anderson, R. et al, (The ASCE Body of Knowledge Committee), Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century, Second Edition, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 192, 2008.
- Skolicki, Z., Arciszewski, T., “Sapient Agents, Seven Approaches,” invited chapter, "Toward Artificial Sapience: Principles and Methods for Wise Systems,” Majorga, R. (Editor), Springer, 2007.
- Shelton, K., Arciszewski, T., “Measuring Innovation in Multi-Components Engineering Systems,” chapter, Trends in Computer Aided Innovation, Leon-Rovira, N. (Editor), Springer, 2007. (The manuscript accepted for publication and lost by the publisher, but now available at http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/Paper-SheltonArciszewski.pdf?SGWID=0-0-45-552402-p173762308)
- Kicinger, R., Obayashi, S., Arciszewski, T., “Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization of Steel Structural Systems in Tall Buildings, chapter, Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, Vol. 4403, pp. 604-618, 2007.
- Arciszewski, T., Cornell, J., “Bio-Inspiration: Learning Creative Design Principia,” invited chapter, Intelligent Computing in Engineering and Architecture, Smith, I., (Editor), Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 32-53, 2006.
- Arciszewski, T. and Kicinger, R., invited chapter, "Structural design inspired by nature," Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, B. H. V. Topping, (Editor), Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 25-48, 2005.
- Arciszewski, T., Skolicki, Z., DeJong K., “Intelligent Agents, Fundamentals,” invited chapter, Anumba, C.J., Ugwu O.O., Ren, Z., (Editors), Agents and Multi-Agent Systems in Construction, Taylor & Francis, England, pp. 6-30, 2005.
- Arciszewski, T., DeJong K., “Evolutionary Computation in Civil Engineering: Research Frontiers,” invited chapter, Topping, B.H.V., (Editor), Civil and Structural Engineering Computing 2001, pp. 161-185, 2001.
- Arciszewski, T., Borkowski, A., “Information Technology in Civil Engineering,” chapter, Professor Kaczkowski Anniversary Book, pp. 99-109, Warsaw University of Technology, in Polish, 1997.
- Arciszewski, T., Michalski, R.S., “Inferential Design Theory,” chapter, in the book Artificial Intelligence in Design’ 94, Gero, J.S. and Sudweeks, F., (editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 295-309, 1994.
- Arciszewski, T., Rossman, L., (editors), Knowledge Acquisition in Civil Engineering, pp. 217, American Society of Civil Engineering, 1992.
- Arciszewski, T., Ziarko, W., "Machine Learning in Knowledge Acquisition," chapter, in the book Knowledge Acquisition in Civil Engineering, edited by Arciszewski, T. and Rossman, L., American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 50-68, 1992.
- Mustafa, M., Arciszewski, T., "Inductive Learning of Wind Bracing Design for Tall Buildings," chapter, in the book Knowledge Acquisition in Civil Engineering, edited by Arciszewski, T., and Rossman, L., American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 190-203, 1992.
- Arciszewski T., “The Inductive System: A New Tool in Civil Engineering," chapter, in the book Optimization and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 321-331, edited by Topping, B., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.
- Arciszewski, T., "Teaching Expert Systems Techniques at Wayne State University", invited chapter, in the book Expert Systems Education in Civil Engineering, edited by Mohan, S., American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 15-23, 1990.
- Arciszewski, T., Mustafa, M., "Inductive Learning Process: The User's Perspective," invited chapter, in the book Machine Learning, edited by Forsyth, R., pp. 39-61, Chapman and Hall, 1989.
- Arciszewski, T., Ziarko, W., "Adaptive Expert System for Preliminary Design of Wind Bracings in Skeleton Structures," chapter, in the book Second Century of Skyscrapers, pp. 847-855, van Nostrand Publishing Company, pp. 847-855, 1988.
- Arciszewski, T., "Decision Making Parameters and their Computer-Aided Analysis for Wind Bracings in Steel Skeleton Structures," chapter in the book, Advances in Tall Buildings, Van Nostrand Publishing Company, 281-299, 1985.
- Arciszewski, T., "Design of Joints in Steel Space Structures," chapter in the book, Space Structures, Applied Science Publishers, England, pp. 695-700, 1984.
- Arciszewski, T., Ojiako, G.U., "Tall Buildings in Nigeria," chapter, in the book Developments in Tall Buildings, Hutchinson Ross Publishing Company, pp. 61-72, 1983.
- Arciszewski, T., "Systematic Heuristics," chapter, in the book Problem, Method Solution. Techniques of Creative Thinking, Part II, in Polish, P.W.N. Publishing House, pp. 150-165, Warsaw, 1978.
- Arciszewski, T., Kisielnicka, J., "Morphological Analysis," chapter, in the book Problem, Method, Solution. Techniques of Creative Thinking, Part I, in Polish, P.W.N. Publ. House, Warsaw, pp. 76-96, 1977.
- Arciszewski, T., Nawrot, T., Nowak, A., Pancewicz, Z., Flowcharts of Engineering Design, in Polish, Warsaw Technical University Publishing House, pp. 68, Warsaw, 1973.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Urgessa, G.S., Arciszewski, T., “Blast Response Comparison of Multiple Steel Frame Connections,” Journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Elsevier, Vol. 47, No. 6, July 2011, pp. 668-675.
- Arciszewski, T., Russell, J., (Submitted). “Change Demands Renaissance in Civil Engineering Education,” ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice.
- Uduma, K., Arciszewski, T., (invited), “Sustainable Energy Development: The Key to a Stable Nigeria, Sustainability, No. 2, pp. 1558-1570, 2010.
- Arciszewski, T., Harrison, C., “Successful Civil Engineering Education,” the ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, Vol. 136, No. 1, pp. 1-8. January, 2010.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., (invited),” “Bio-inspired Computational Framework for Enhancing Creativity, Optimality and Robustness in Design,” the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 22-3, January, 2009.
- Arciszewski, T., Rebolj, D., (invited), “Civil Engineering Education: Coming Challenges,” International Journal of Design Science and Technology, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 53-61, 2008.
- Skolicki, Z., Arciszewski, T., Houck, M., DeJong, K., “Co-evolution of Terrorist and Security Scenarios for Water Distribution Systems,” Special Issue on Soft Computing in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 39/10, pp. 801-811, 2008.
- Shelton, K., Arciszewski, T., “Formal Innovation Criteria,” International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology,” pp. 21-32, January, 2008.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., "La génétique au service des architectes," Pour La Science, No. 363, p. 32-38, 2008.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., “Breeding Better Buildings. Engineers design improved structures by borrowing from genetics,” American Scientist, pp. 502-508, November-December, 2007.
- Arciszewski, T., Smith, I.F.C., Melhem, H., “ASCE Global Center of Excellence in Computing,” editorial, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, pp. 147-150,Vol. 21, May/June, No. 3, 2007.
- Skolicki, Z., Wadda, M., Houck, M., Arciszewski, T., “Reduction of Physical Threats to Water Distribution Systems,” ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, July/August Issue, pp. 211-217, 2006.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A. "Emergent Designer: An Integrated Research and Design Support Tool Based on Models of Complex Systems," International Journal of IT in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2005.
- Arciszewski, T., “Civil Engineering Crisis,” ASCE Journal of Leadership and Management in Engineering, pp. 26-30, Vol. 6, No. 1, January, 2006.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A., "Evolutionary Computation and Structural Design: a Survey of the State of the Art." Journal of Computers & Structures, pp. 1943-1978, Vol. 83, 2005.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A., "Evolutionary Designing of Steel Structures in Tall Buildings," ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, pp. 223-238, Vol. 19, No. 3, July, 2005.
- Oguejiofor, E., Kicinger, R., Popovici, E., Arciszewski, T., DeJong, K., “Intelligent Tutoring Systems: An Ontology Based Approach,” International Journal of Computing in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004.
- Arciszewski, T., Sauer, T., Schum, D., "Conceptual Design: Chaos-Based Approach," Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 45-50, 2003.
- Arciszewski, T., Lakmazaheri, S., “Structural Design Education for 21st Century,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Special Double Issue “Design Education for the 21st Century,” Vol. 17, pp. 446-454, 2001.
- Murawski, K., Arciszewski, T., De Jong, K., “Evolutionary Computation in Structural Design,” Journal of Engineering with Computers, Vol. 16, pp. 275-286, 2000.
- Arciszewski, T., “CyberCreativity: Inventive Design on the Internet,” Special Issue “Design Computing on the Internet,” International Journal of Design Computing, CD ROM edition, Vol. 1, 1999.
- Arciszewski, T., “Engineering Semantic Evaluation of Decision Rules, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,” Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 285-295, 1998.
- Karni, R., Arciszewski, T., “A Design Tool for the Conceptual Design of Production and Operation Systems,” Journal of Research in Engineering Design, Vol. 9, pp. 146-167, 1997.
- Skibniewski, M., Arciszewski, T., Luprasad, K., “Constructability Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach,” the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 8-17, 1997.
- Szczepanik, W., Arciszewski, T., Wnek, J., “Empirical Comparison of Selective and Constructive Induction, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 627-639, 1996.
- Arciszewski, T., “Learning Engineering: The Key to Automatic Knowledge Acquisition,” (invited extended research abstract), Special Issue on Machine Learning in Design, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 10, pp. 127-129, 1996.
- Arciszewski T., Michalski R.S., Dybala T., "STAR Methodology-Based Learning about Construction Accidents and their Prevention," Journal of Construction Automation, Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 75-85, 1995.
- Arciszewski T., Bloedorn E., Michalski R.S., Mustafa M., Wnek J., "Machine Learning of Design Rules: Methodology and Case Study," the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 286-309, 1994.
- Arciszewski T., Khasnabis, S., Hoda S.K, Ziarko W., "Machine Learning in Transportation Engineering: A Feasibility Study," Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 109-124, 1994.
- Arciszewski T., Dybala T., Wnek T., "A Method for Evaluation of Learning Systems," Journal of Knowledge Engineering "Heuristics," Special Issue on Machine Learning in Knowledge Acquisition, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 22-31, 1992.
- Arafat G., Goodman B., Arciszewski T., "Ramzes: A Knowledge-Based System for Structural Concepts Evaluation," Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Civil and Structural Engineering, International Journal on Computing Systems in Engineering, pp. 211-221, 1992.
- Uduma K., Arciszewski T., "Spherical Joints in Space Structures: Numerical Design Method," Journal Space Structures, pp. 181-193, May, 1991.
- Arciszewski, T., Ziarko, W., "Structural Optimization: A Case-Based Approach," ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 159-174, April, 1991.
- Arciszewski, T., Ziarko, W., (invited), "Inductive Learning in Civil Engineering: Rough Sets Approach," Journal Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, Vol.26, No.3, pp. 10, 1990.
- Uduma, K., Olowokere, D., Arciszewski, T., "Survey of Existing Studies on the Strength and Deformation of Spherical Joints in Steel Space Trusses," Engineering Journal, Vol.25, No.2, pp. 102-109, 1989.
- Arciszewski, T., Uduma K., "Shaping of Spherical Joints in Space Structures", No.3, Vol. 3, Journal Space Structures, pp. 171-182, 1988.
- Arciszewski T., "ARIZ 77 - An Innovative Design Method," Journal Design Methods and Theories, No. 2, Vol. 22, pp. 796-820, 1988.
- Arciszewski T., "Stochastic Form Optimization," Journal of Engineering Optimization, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 17-33, January, 1988.
- Arciszewski, T., Ziarko, W., "Verification of Morphological Table Based on Probabilistic Rough Sets Approach," International Journal of Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 193-205, 1988.
- Arciszewski T., Ziarko W., "Adaptive Expert System for Preliminary Engineering Design," Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'Intographie, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 27-40, 1987.
- Arciszewski T., "Mathematical Modeling of Morphological Analysis," International Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 52-56, 1987.
- Arciszewski T., Mustafa M., Ziarko W., "A Methodology of Design Knowledge Acquisition for Use in Learning Expert Systems," International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 1, No. 27, pp. 23-32, 1987.
- Arciszewski T., Kwiatkowski T., "Simplified Statical Analysis of Complex Truss Wind Bracings in Tall Buildings," in Polish, Journal of Agricultural-Technical University in Olsztyn, pp. 193-207, Olsztyn, Poland, 1982.
- Arciszewski T., Pancewicz Z., "Basic Assumptions and Results of Research on Optimization of Truss Wind Bracings in Steel Skeleton Structures," in Polish, Journal of the Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 37-48, Warsaw, 1981.
- Arciszewski T., Pancewicz Z., "Optimization of Wind Bracings in the Form of Belt Truss Systems," in Polish, Journal of the Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 49-66, Warsaw, 1981.
- Arciszewski T., Pancewicz A., "Method of the Use of Horizontal Trusses or Horizontal Space Truss Systems in the Structure of a Wind Bracing," in Polish, Journal of the Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 67-90, Warsaw, 1981.
- Arciszewski T., Pancewicz A., "Method of Preliminary Evaluation of Truss Wind Bracing Stiffness in Steel Skeleton Structures of Tall Buildings," in Polish, Journal of the Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 91-102, Warsaw, 1981.
- Arciszewski T., Lubinski M., "Method of Analysis and Appraisal of Structural Systems," in Polish, Journal of the Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 35-57, Warsaw, 1978.
- Arciszewski T., Brodka J., "Method for Evaluation of Structural Solutions," in Polish, Journal of Invention and Rationalization, Warsaw, pp. 29-33, 1978.
- Arciszewski T., "New Type of Beam-Column Connection in Skeleton Structures," in Polish, Journal of the Institute of Building Technology, pp. 1-5, Warsaw, 1977.
- Arciszewski T., Pancewicz Z., "Analysis of Wind Bracing Characteristics in Systems Skeleton Structures," in Polish, Journal of Wroclaw University of Technology, pp. 7-19, Wroclaw, 1976.
- Pancewicz Z., Arciszewski T., Ostrowski B., "Structural Systems of Tall Buildings," in Polish, Journal Inzynieria i Budownictwo, Warsaw, No. 2, pp. 75-80, 1973.
- Pancewicz Z., Arciszewski T., Boni B., "New Concepts of High-Rise Building Structures," in Polish, Journal Inzynieria i Budownictwo, Warsaw, No. 3, pp. 105-109, 1973.
- Pancewicz Z., Arciszewski T., "High-Rise Building of Steel Structure - A Seat of USS in Pittsburgh," in Polish, Journal of Metal Structures, No. 3, pp. 35-40, 1972.
Refereed Conference Proceedings Articles
- Arciszewski, T., Youmans, R., “Design Fixation: A Cloak of Many Colors”, The Fifth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'12), Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, June, 2012.
- Koziolek, S., Arciszewski, T., Adish, A., “Intersection: the Key to Inventive Design”, Proceedings of the 17th International EG-ICE Workshop on Computing in Engineering, Twente, the Netherlands, July, 2011.
- Koziolek, S., Arciszewski, T., “Synectical Building of Representation Space: A Key to Computing Education”, Proceedings of the 2011 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, pp. 891-898, Miami, Florida, June, 2011.
- Hou, Y., Arciszewski, T., “Building Design Representation Space: Building Blocks,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, Concept 2010, Bordeaux, France, October, 2010.
- Arciszewski, T., “Renaissance: the Key to Modern Engineering Education, Proceedings of the ASEE Global Colloquium on Education, Singapore, October, 2010.
- Arciszewski, T., “Theory of Successful Education and Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the ASEE Global Colloquium on Education, Singapore, October, 2010.
- Arciszewski, T., “Successful Education,” Proceedings of the ASEE Global Colloquium on Education, Singapore, October, 2010.
- Arciszewski, T., “Successful Department,” Proceedings of the ASEE Global Colloquium on Education, Singapore, October, 2010.
- Arciszewski, T., Harrison, C., “Successful Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 2010, Nottingham, UK, July, 2010.
- Urgessa, G., Arciszewski, T., “Structural Behavior of Steel Frame Connections Subjected to Blast,” Proceedings of the 5th International Structural and Construction Engineering Conference, University of Nevada, pp. 363-368, Nevada, September, 2009.
- Arciszewski, T., “Design Creativity Education,” Proceedings of the International Workshop of Design Creativity, pp. 6, International Conference on Creativity and Cognition, Washington DC, June, 2007.
- Arciszewski, T., Rebolj, D., “Challenges of Civil Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 24th W78 Conference Maribor 2007 on “Bringing ITC Knowledge to Work, pp. 793-797, June, 2007.
- Kicinger, R., Winnicki, A., Arciszewski, T., DeJong, K., “Evolutionary Design for Blast of Steel Structural Systems,” Proceedings of the 24th W78 Conference Maribor 2007 on “Bringing ITC Knowledge to Work, pp. 657-662, June, 2007
- Shelton, K.A., Arciszewski, T., “Robustness in Conceptual Designing: Formal Criteria,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition,” Eindhoven, the Netherlands, July, 2006.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T. "Empirical Analysis of Memetic Algorithms for Conceptual Design of Steel Structural Systems in Tall Buildings," Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics & Construction, June, 2006, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- Skolicki, Z., Arciszewski, T., Houck, M., DeJong, K., “Emerging Security Patterns: Co-evolution of Terrorist and Security Scenarios,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Applications of AI to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Topping, B.H.V., editor, pp. 77-78, abstract, the entire paper on a CD-ROM, Rome, Italy, August, 2005.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A. "Generative Representations in Structural Engineering," Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Cancun, Mexico, July, 2005.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A. "Parameterized Versus Generative Representations in Structural Design: An Empirical Comparison," Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2005), H. G. Beyer, ed., Washington, DC, pp. 2007-2015, July, 2005.
- Skolicki, Z., Wadda, M., Houck, M.H., and Arciszewski, T., “Water Supply Threat Reductions Using Evolutionary Approaches,” Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers World Water and Environmental Resources Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2005.
- Arciszewski, T., and Kicinger, R., "Proactive security: From evolutionary approaches to cellular automata." Proceedings of the Working Together: Conference on Public/Private R&D Partnerships in Homeland Security, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, abstract and poster, April, 2005.
- Skolicki, Z., Houck, M., Arciszewski, T., "Improving the Security of Water Distribution Systems Using a Co-evolutionary Approach," Proceedings of the Working Together: Conference on Public/Private R&D Partnerships in Homeland Security, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, abstract and poster, April, 2005.
- Skolicki, Z., Venigalla, M., Arciszewski, T., "Security of Transportation Systems: An Evolutionary Approach," Proceedings of the Working Together: Conference on Public/Private R&D Partnerships in Homeland Security, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, abstract and poster, April, 2005.
- Arciszewski, T., “Information Technology in the context of Innovation and Computing in Civil Engineering,” Proceedings of the 3rd Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region, pp. 39-43, Seoul, South Korea, August, 2004.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A. "Emergent Designer: Generative design in structural engineering," Proceedings of the Workshop on the Implementation Issues in Generative Design Systems at the First International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'04), L. G. Caldas and J. P. Duarte, eds., MIT, Cambridge, USA, April, 2004.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A. "Morphogenesis and structural design: cellular automata representations of steel structures in tall buildings," Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2004), Portland, Oregon, pp. 411-418, May, 2004.
- Kicinger, R., and Arciszewski, T. "Multiobjective evolutionary design of steel structures in tall buildings," Proceedings of the AIAA 1st Intelligent Systems Technical Conference, Chicago, Illinois, (invited paper), June, 2004.
- Wadda, M., Skolicki, Z., Arciszewski, T. “Generation of Terrorist Scenarios for Water Distribution Systems: An Evolutionary Computation Approach,” Proceedings of the workshop “Critical Infrastructure Protection Project,” Woodcock, A., Pommerening, C., (editors), George Mason University, pp. 162-170, 2004.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A., "Distributed evolutionary design: island-model based optimization of steel skeleton structures in tall buildings," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, pp. 190 (Abstract) and CDRom, Weimar, Germany, June, 2004.
- Wadda, M.M., Skolicki, Z., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A., "Generation of Terrorist Scenarios for Water Distribution Systems: An Evolutionary Computation Approach," Proceedings of the 11th International EG-ICE Workshop, pp. 110-119, Weimar, Germany, June, 2004.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A., "Morphogenesis and structural design: cellular automata representations of steel structures in tall buildings." Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2004), Portland, Oregon, 2004.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A., "Morphogenic evolutionary design: cellular automata representations in topological structural design." Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture (ACDM'2004), I. C. Parmee, ed., Bristol, UK, 2004.
- Arciszewski, T., DeJong, K., Sage, A., Goode, M., Kicinger, R., Skolicki, Z. “Proactive Infrastructure Security: Evolutionary Generation of Terrorist Scenarios,” Proceedings of the workshop “Critical Infrastructure Protection Project,” Woodcock, A., Thomas, K., (editors), George Mason University, pp. 378-391, 2003.
- Oguejiofor, E., Kicinger, R., Popovici, E., Arciszewski, T., De Jong, K., “George Mason University Intelligent Educator, Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Anumba, C., (Editor), Loughborough, England, pp.355-366, July, 2003.
- Pullman, T., Skolicki, Z., Freischlad, M., Arciszewski, T., DeJong, K., Schnellenbach-Held, M., “Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings: Evolutionary Computation Approach using Fuzzy Sets, Proceedings of the 10th Workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 53-61, July, 2003.
- Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., DeJong, K., “ Conceptual Design in Structural Engineering: An Evolutionary Computation Approach,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Specialty Conference on the Conceptual Approach to Structural Design,” pp. 529-536, Milan, Italy, July, 2003.
- Skolicki, Z., Arciszewski, T., “Sapient Agents–Seven Approaches”, Proceedings of InternationalConference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems: KIMAS'03: Modeling, Exploration, and Engineering, Boston, 2003.
- Ugwu, O.O., Arciszewski, T., Anumba, C.J., “Teaching Agents how to Solve Design Problems: A Mixed Initiative Learning Strategy,” Proceeding of the International ASCE Workshop on Information Technology in Civil Engineering,” Songer, A., Miles, J.C. (Editors), Washington D.C., pp. 11-24, November, 2002.
- Kicinger, R., DeJong, K., Arciszewski, T., “Long Term versus Short Term Evolutionary Design,” Proceedings of the 9th International EG-ICE Workshop, Schnellenbach-Held, M. (Editor), Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 184-195, August, 2002.
- Schum, K, Arciszewski, T., “Discovery, Innovation, and their Enhancement,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Loughborough, England, pp. 443-448, 2001.
- De Jong, K., Arciszewski, T., Vyas, H., “An Overview of Evolutionary Computation and its Applications to Engineering Design,” Proceedings of the 6th Workshop of the European Group for Structural Engineering Applications of AI, “Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering,” Borkowski, A., (Editor), pp. 9-22, Wierzba, Poland, September, 1999.
- Arciszewski, T. De Jong K., Vyas, H., “ Inventive Design in Structural Engineering: Evolutionary Computing Approach,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Applications of AI to Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. “Novel Design and Information Technology Applications for Civil and Structural Engineering,” Kumar, B., and Topping B.H.V. (Editors), pp. 1-9, Oxford, England, September, 1999.
- Arciszewski, T. Lakmazaheri, S., “Designing Structural Design Education,” Proceedings of the Second Mudd Design Workshop “Designing Design Education for the 21st Century, Harvey Mudd College, California, May, 1999.
- Lakmazaheri, S., Arciszewski, T., “Toward Self-Directed Computer-Mediated Learning for Undergraduate Structural Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Civil Engineering Learning Technologies, Wales, United Kingdom, September, 1999.
- Arciszewski, T., “Design and Inventive Engineering: From Theory to Practice,” collection of 200+ transparencies, Proceedings of “Creative Connections,” the NCIIA conference, Washington DC, March, 1999.
- Arciszewski, T., “Internet-Based Teaching/Learning Tools in Structural Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the NASA Workshop on “Advanced Technology for Engineering Education and Training,” Hampton, VA, February, 1998.
- Arciszewski, T., Ardayfio, D., Doulamis, J., “Automated Knowledge Acquisition in Proactive Design, Proceedings of the ASME Engineering Design Conference, Sacramento, California, September, pp. 1-11, 1997.
- Arciszewski, T., Karni, R., “Ideation-Based Conceptual Design of a Materials Handling and Transfer (MHT) System, Proceedings of the Thirty Second International MATADOR Conference, Manchester, England, pp. 35-40, 1997.
- Skibniewski, M., Arciszewski, T., ”Constructability Analysis in the Age of Information Technology, Proceeding of the International Conference “Challenges to Civil and Mechanical Engineering,” pp. 407-418, Wroclaw, Poland, June 1997.
- Arciszewski, T., Kunigahalli, R., “Proactive CyberSpace Design: Creative Problem Solving,” Proceedings of the ASCE International Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, Philadelphia, pp. 477-484, 1997.
- Szczepanik, W., Arciszewski, T., Wnek, J., “Semantic Comparison of Selective and Constructive Induction,” Proceedings of the 3rd ASCE International Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, pp. 845-851, Anaheim, 1996.
- Arciszewski, T., Doulamis, J., Michalski, R.S., Szczepanik, W., Wnek, J., “Machine Learning: A Constructive Induction Approach,” Extended Abstract, Proceedings of the NSF Grantees ConferenceAlbuquerque, NM, 1996.
- Chen, G., Arciszewski, T., “Machine Learning of Bridge Design Rules: A Case Study,” Proceedings of the 2nd ASCE Congress “Computing in Civil Engineering,” pp. 711-718, Atlanta, June, 1995.
- Szczepanik, W., Arciszewski, T., Wnek, J., “Empirical Performance Comparison of Two Symbolic Learning Systems Based on Selective and Constructive Induction,” Proceedings of the Workshop “Machine Learning in Engineering,” pp. 203-214, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, August, 1995.
- Arciszewski, T., Michalski, R.S., Wnek, J., “Constructive Induction: the Key to Design Creativity,” Preprints “Computational Models of Creative Design,” Third International Round-Table Conference, December 1995, pp. 397-426, Heron Island, Australia.
- Arciszewski, T., Borkowski, A., Dybala, T., Racz, J., Wojan, P., “Empirical Performance Comparison for Symbolic and Subsymbolic Learning Systems,” Proceedings of the 1st ASCE Congress “Computing in Civil Engineering,” pp. 1075-1082, Washington, DC, June, 1994.
- Arciszewski, T., “Machine Learning in Engineering Design,” Proceedings of the Workshop “Intelligent Information Systems,” pp. 40-54, Wigry, Poland, 1994.
- Arciszewski, T., Michalski, R.S., “Inferential Design Theory,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference AI in Design, Lausanne, 1994.
- Arciszewski, T., Ziarko, W., Khan, T.L., “Learning Conceptual Design Rules: A Rough Sets Approach,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rough Sets and Knowledge Discovery,” (Editor Ziarko, W.), Banff, Alberta, Canada, pp. 444-449, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.
- Arciszewski T., "Learning Engineering: An Outline," Proceedings of the ASCE Conference "Computing in Civil Engineering," pp. 1425-1431, Anaheim, 1993.
- Arciszewski T., Usmen M., "Applications of Machine Learning to Construction Safety," Proceedings of the International Conference Management of Information Technology for Construction," Singapore, 1993.
- Wnek J., Michalski R.S., Arciszewski T., "An Application of Constructive Induction to Engineering Design," Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on AI in Engineering Design, Chambery, France, August, 1993.
- Khasnabis, S., Arciszewski, T., Hoda, S.K., Ziarko, W., "Automated Knowledge Acquisition for Control of an Urban Rail Corridor," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, August, 1993.
- Khasnabis S., Arciszewski T., Hoda S., "Learning Rules for Driving Scenarions for an Urban Rail Corridor with Closely Spaced Stations," Proceedings of the ASCE Conference "Computing in Civil Engineering," pp.983-990, Dallas, June, 1992.
- Arciszewski T., Usmen M., Gleichman J., "Construction Accident Analysis: The Inductive Learning Approach," Proceedings of the ASCE Construction Congress 91, pp. 253-258, Boston, April, 1991.
- Hajdo P., Arciszewski T., "Computer Generation of Structural Concepts: A Knowledge-Based Approach," Proceedings of the ASCE Seventh Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, pp. 278-287, Washington, D.C., May, 1991.
- Arafat G., Goodman B., Arciszewski T., "Ramzes: A Knowledge-Based System for Structural Concept Evaluation," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Applications of AI Techniques to Civil and Structural Engineering, Oxford, England, September, 1991.
- Arciszewski, T., (invited), "Design Research at Wayne State University", Proceedings of the International Conference "Artificial Intelligence in Engineering”, Boston, July, 1990.
- Arciszewski, T., (invited), "Design Research in Eastern Europe", Proceedings of the ASME Conference "Design Methodology and Theory", Chicago, September, 1990.
- Arafat, G., Arciszewski, T., Goodman, B., (invited), "Concept Evaluation: A Knowledge Base Approach", Proceedings of the Tenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, April, 1990.
- Mustafa, M., Arciszewski, T., "Knowledge Acquisition: Engineering Methodology of Inductive Learning", Proceedings of Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Joint International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Detroit, 1989.
- Arciszewski, T., (invited), "Machine Learning in Civil Engineering", Proceedings of the Colloquium "Expert Systems in Civil Engineering”, pp. 23-31, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Bergamo, Italy, 1989.
- Arciszewski, T., "The Inductive System: A New Tool in Civil Engineering", Proceedings of the NATO ASI Conference "Optimization and Decision Support Systems in Civil Engineering", Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1989.
- Hajdo, P., Arciszewski, T., "Stochastic Form Optimization and Its Extension", Proceedings of the Annual Summer Conference of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 233-238, Anaheim, 1989.
- Uduma, K., Ozbeki, A., Arciszewski, T., "Finite Element Modeling of Spherical Joints in Space Structures", Proceedings of the Annual Summer Conference of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim, 1989.
- Arciszewski T., Olowokere D., Alkhatib M., "Modeling of Belt-Truss Bracing Systems in Steel Skeleton Structures," Proceedings of the International Tall Buildings Conference, Shanghai, China, April, 1988.
- Hajdo P., Arciszewski T., Ziarko W., Aktan H., "Inductive Shallow Approach for Generation of Engineering Models," Proceedings of the Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, pp. 933-940, Vienna, Austria, April, 1988.
- Arciszewski, T., Aktan, H., Hajdo, P., Mhaimed, K., "Innovative Design Method," Preprints of Design Theory '88, The 1988 NSF Grantee Workshop on Design Theory and Methodology, Troy, New York, June 3-5, 1988.
- Arciszewski, T., Inductive Learning in Engineering, Proceedings of USACERL/ASCE First Joint Conference on Expert Systems, June 29-30, 1988.
- Arciszewski, T., Model-Based Expert System for Engineering Design, Proceedings of USACERL/ASCE First Joint Conference on Expert Systems, June 29-30, 1988.
- Arciszewski T., Ziarko W., "Adaptive Expert System for Preliminary Engineering Design," Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Expert Systems, France, 1986.
- Arciszewski T., "Mathematical Modeling of Morphological Analysis," Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Berkeley, California, 1985.
- Arciszewski T., "Application of Stochastic Processes in Innovative Structural Design," Proceedings of the 5th EMD Specialty Conference, pp. 899-902, Wyoming, 1984.
- Arciszewski T., "Energy Factor in Structural Decision Making," Proceedings of the International Seminar on Civil Engineering Technology, Training and Research in Africa, African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions, Ethiopia, 1981.
- Arciszewski T., "Simplified Multi-variant Preliminary Design Process," in Polish, Proceedings of 5th Scientific Conference on Computer Systems in Design, Bialystok, 1977.
- Arciszewski T., "Systems Approach to the Analysis of Steel Space Structures," in Polish, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Heuristic Methods, pp. 101-110, Warsaw, 1977.
- Arciszewski T., "A Systems Approach to Structural Shaping of Linear Elements Under Bending," in English, Proceedings of 2nd Conference on Heuristic Methods, pp. 92-98, Warsaw, 1976.
- Kisielnicka J., Arciszewski T., "Morphological Analysis and Quasiheuristic Algorithms," in Polish, Proceedings of 1st Conference on Heuristic Methods, pp. 75-100, Warsaw, 1974.
- Pancewicz Z., Arciszewski T., Johannes M., "Preliminary Structural Analysis of Wind Bracings in the Form of Belt Truss Systems," Proceedings the XVIIIth Scientific Conference of Engineering Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences and Scientific Committee of Polish Association of Civil Engineers, Krynica, Vol. 3, pp. 157-169, 1973.
- Pancewicz Z., Arciszewski T., "Structural Analysis of Complex Wind Bracings in Skeleton Structures," in Polish, Proceedings of the XVIIth Scientific Conference of Engineering Committee of Polish Academy Sciences and Scientific Committee of Polish Association of Civil Engineers, pp. 183-190, Krynica, 1972.
- Pancewicz Z., Arciszewski T., "Simplified Design Procedure for Wind Bracing in the Form of a Braced Rigid Frame," Proceedings of International, Regional Conference on Planning and Designing of Tall Buildings, pp. 185-194, Warsaw, 1972.
- Pancewicz Z., Arciszewski T., "Approximate Structural Analysis of Belt Truss Systems," Proceedings of International, Regional Conference on Planning and Designing of Tall Buildings, pp. 194-204, Warsaw, 1972.
- Pancewicz Z., Arciszewski T., Nowak A., "Flow-Charts in Design Automatization of Tall Buildings," Proceedings of the Conference on Automatization of Design, pp. 1-8, Poznan, 1972.
- Arciszewski T., "Joint for Space Frame," Canada, Patent No. 1,291,626, 1991.
- Arciszewski T., "Joint for Space Frame," U.S.A., Patent No. 4,866,902, 1989.
- Arciszewski, T., Pancewicz, Z., “New Type of Connection in Skeleton Structures," Poland, Patent No. 171367, 1976.