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The primary objective of the course is to teach the first time computer users the basics of computing, Windows XP, Microsoft Internet Explorer, the four applications: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and Microsoft PowerPoint. This course also introduces XHTML concepts.
Fundamentals of Computing. Publisher: Kendall/Hunt. ISBN: 0-7575-2270-X.
Correct completion of five projects: 50%
Midterm exam: 25%, and
Final exam: 25%.
Each student is expected to do his/her own work. Any student caught cheating on exams or copying asssignments will be turned in to the Honor commitee. See your lecture or lab instructor if you have any problems or concerns.
Week | Topic |
Week 1 | Windows XP and Microsoft Internet Explorer |
Week 2 | Microsoft Word |
Week 3 | Microsoft Excel |
Week 4 | Midterm Exam |
Week 5 | Microsoft Access |
Week 6 | Microsoft Poweroint |
Week 7 | XHTML Fundamentals |
Week 8 | Final Exam |