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Automatic Speech Recognition

Research Paper Bibliography

  • Ainsworth, W. A. (1939). Speech Recognition by Machine. (p. 51). London United Kingdom: Peter Peregrinus Ltd. Retrieved February 23, 2012

  • Pinola, M. (2011, November 02). Speech recognition through the decades: How we ended up with siri. PCWorld. Retrieved Febrauary 23, 2012, from http://www.pcworld.com/article/243060/speech_recognition_through_the_decade s_how_ we_ended_up_with_siri.html

  • Tuna, C. (2010, September 8). Slow-Going for Web-Privacy Software --- Products Help Surfers Stay Anonymous, but Customers Are Few; 'It's Hard to Get Users to Pay for Anything These Days'. Newspaper, Proquest Database. Retrieved September 13, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=4&did=2132587281&SrchMode=1&sid=19&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1284419904&clientId=31810

  • Schelps, D. (n.d.). Voice recognition � benefits and challenges of this biometric application for access control. Retrieved February 23, 2012, from http://www.sourcesecurity.com/news/articles/co-3108- ga.4100.html

  • Speech recognition . (1997, June). Retrieved Febrauary 29, 2012, from http://searchcrm.techtarget.com/definition/speech-recognition

  • Speech interfaces are ready to listen. (2001, October 22). CNN. Retrieved February 24, 2012, from http://articles.cnn.com/2001-10-22/tech/speech.interfaces.idg_1_speech-recognition-speech-interfaces-phonemes?_s=PM:TECH

  • Clip Art/Video Bibliography

  • "Girl using computer" clip art on a title1.html page is obtained from Microsoft Office 2010 clip art collection (retrieved on 4/10/2012).

    This relates to the title page because this picture summarizes the idea of technology being infused into our lives and everyone being able to benefit no matter if their age or if they are diabled.

  • "A stack of books" clip art on a background1.html page is obtained from Microsoft Office 2010 clip art collection (retrieved on 4/10/2012).

    This relates to the background section of my research paper because books are a great source of information which relates the background information. So in the background section, it talks about the birth and building of Speech Recognition and how it has came to be.

  • "Businessman on the phone" clip art on potential1.html page is obtained from Microsoft Office 2010 clip art collection (retrieve on 4/10/2012).

    This relates to the potential benefits section of my research paper because it shows a happy buisness man being able to call a company and use their recognition software easily which is the goal for this software as well making buisness run smoothly and efficient.

  • "Confused person on the phone" clip art on problems1.html page is obtained from Microsoft Office 2010 clip art collection (retrieved on 4/10/2012).

    This relates to the problems with speech regontion because not always does the software understand what you are saying and creating frustration.

  • "Speech recognition microphone" clip art on conclusion1.html page is obtained from Microsoft Office 2010 clip art collection (retrieved on 4/10/2012).

    This relates to the conclusion section of my research paper because it is a key tool in the process of voice rocognition, it is what listens to your voice in order to be interpreted.

  • "Demonstration of Voice Recognition Software" video on introduction1.html is obtained from YouTube.com (retrieved 4/10/20102).
  • Link to video source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpfiMPCm0yM&feature=youtu.be
  • Link to terms of use: http://www.youtube.com/t/terms

  • This demonstration video that shows the viewer how to use speech recognition software as well as what is does, it gives step by step instruction and good examples.


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