A student-founded, student led group for the diversity, equity,
and inclusion of underrepresented groups in STEM

Professional Development Lunch Talks
We created a series of professional development lunch talks to level the playing ground for all students of all career stages. We feature traditional professional development, such as how to build your own website or write your CV, as well as non-traditional professional development, such as toxicity within academia and imposter syndrome. We have a variety of speakers from academia, industry, and government, as well as open discussion panels with graduate students. All talks are available online by clicking "learn more". Interested in giving a talk? We encourage all career stages to reach out if you're interested!

Mentoring Program
Spectrum also created the first official mentoring program within the Department of Physics & Astronomy. Each mentee is matched with two mentors after a thorough analysis of their applications, to ensure the best personality match. Mentees can also request mentors ranging from upperclassmen, graduate students, or faculty that are hand-selected to be on our faculty mentoring committee. Interested in starting your own mentoring program? Reach out to get our starter pack!

We boast a large resources section for students filled with things that many had not encountered before. These included building physics skills with Code Academy and Khan Academy, career and grad school planning, available conferences and fellowships, mental health resources, and much more! We also have a monthly updated Educate page highlighting minority scientists during the relevant months, such as a February page for African-American History month. Follow the button to learn all about these incredible scientists and find the resources that work for you!