T/TAC Project Group Status Report

January 26, 2001

Topics Covered:


Happy New Year and welcome back! For the past week in a half we have focused in on Online Learning Communities. Brenda has referred the team to various readings on Online Learning Communities. On January 17, 2001, Brenda and Kevin met with T/TAC task force to present our prototype and pitch the idea of an Online Learning Community. From the reading "Building A Successful Community" the team broke off into subgroups and came up answers with regard to the following questions: What type of community am I building? Why am I building it? Who am I building it for? What specific benefits will your members will get out of this community?

In our group meeting, January 23, 2001 we discussed and generated the following Attributes for Online Learning Communities. Also, throughout our discussion on Online Learning Communities we had a lot of Aha Ideas, questions and concerns regarding T/TAC. Zeena, Dick, Bethany, Sunghye complied the answers from each subgroup for the "Building A Successful Community" for a mastery copy which refocused and allowed our team to "think out of the box" on how to ..Paula, Tianna and Courntey generated questionnaire which is the bases for interviews that will take place next week. Next week, we will analyze other learning communities and discuss their strengths and weakness. We will also present our taglines which will give our users a quick summary of what the T/TAC community is all about. Shannon Hardy will meet with the T/TAC team on January 29, 2001.