AHa! Ideas for Design:

  1. Ecology Metaphor for Learner Community
  2. Stay in thouch with members needs of community in regular basis; as well as experts and novices
  3. Learn identity dynamics involved for building communities
  4. List Serve to include TTAC and Immersion Group to orient info in communities of learning concepts
  5. Translate social community of TTAC to give value added to create learning commuinties
  6. Other Design Elements:
  7. Develop communitites of communication with TTAC people and immersion group
  8. Interview service providers who have experience with TTAC
  9. In mid-semester conduct formative evaluation/usability testing for TTAC Online (focus group)
  10. Protocol embedded in website for trainers on how to support an online commuinty.
  11. Strengthening collaboration; sharing in and out-of-class learning that natuirally occurs in and around the academic program.
    (informal interactions come to constitute a learning community).
  12. Address users that are well-defined types vs. free form users.
  13. Need a way to help service providers find ways to apply the info they gain from the site.
  14. Representation of the community (i.e. toolbook); visual ideas and navigation.
  15. Vendor are on site so they can market their new products thru TTAC Online.
  16. Make credits clear to those who produce the content, as well as to those who make other contributions.