
The following introduction will become a voice-over, spoken by a woman and accompanied by music, added to the animated splash page that runs the first time the application is opened. This would prove too laborious an opening process for ongoing access, so the animated splash page with voice over/music does not play thereafter; i.e., clicking on the SQuest desktop icon simply brings up the user interface.

     There are many factors in addition to the purely creative aspects that must be considered when producing a work of art in the sculpture studio. Laws of physics govern the work, as well as installation parameters, budget, material availability and applicability.

     While it is the artist’s job to make choices that fulfill her vision, how these very limitations are resolved contributes greatly to the success of a piece.

     SculptureQuest Microworld provides a three-dimensional computer environment in which it is possible to rapidly prototype a sculptural piece and discover “if” and “how” it can exist in the real world, simulating real life production.