A Vegetable Garden Microworld Project

Prototype Introduction


Because this is a prototype of what is potentially a very large application, it is difficult to demonstrate all that the intended end product will contain. For that reason I will try to give a thumbnail sketch of the major attributes of this microworld.

This microworld is intended to model the intricacies of planning, planting and maintaining a home vegetable garden. Mother Nature has all sorts of interesting tricks up her sleeve and keeping a healthy garden without poisoning the environment, spending 24 hours a day on maintenance or losing your sense of humor or sanity is a challenge.

I have provided a list of some (definitely not all) of the variables in the program. These include both user-controlled and computer-controlled. The application's tools for manipulating the world are listed and a flowchart of one case scenario is given, showing user/machine interaction. The prototype itself gives screen shots of the interface as the user goes through one series of problems dealing with a corn crop. The buttons are alt-tagged with a description of what each does and hopefully it is intuitive enough so that the user will be able to enjoy themselves without continually referring to the HELP button or the user manual. In the actual prototype pages, the text written in red is addressed to you, the reader, for scene-setting and clarification. The links to the next page are in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

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