

One of life's most gratifying experiences is gathering and eating produce from your own garden. Gardening can be a hobby, an escape from stress, a mode of self-expression or a philosophy. Successful gardening involves working with a large number of variables and dealing with the unexpected in a timely manner.

This Microworld is designed to give information, guidance and practice in dealing with the different elements that work together to create a healthy and productive vegetable garden. Because it is not run in real time, you have an opportunity to learn from your mistakes quickly and determine appropriate actions for all kinds of actual tasks and problems. It is my hope that this program will give you some of the enjoyment and the challenge that comes from working in a garden. The next step will be to try it for real...

About the Solution Example Prototype

The Garden is an example of a Microworld learning environment. It was designed by Colby Chambers Howell for a class project and used here with her permission. Print a copy of the Prototype Review Form (Adobe Reader required) to help you analyze how this prototype implements a Microworld pedagogical model. The prototype is not intended for full implementation in its present form. Only selected features and examples are developed. Any external links referenced in this solution example are not under control of the developer and may change or expire over time. External links open in a new window; close the window to return to this prototype.

Each solution example prototype opens in its own window. The companion website window remains in the background. Minimize or close this prototype window to return to the companion website. You may refer to the scenario description or to other sections of the companion website as you explore a prototype, or you may open multiple prototypes and compare them.




Online Learning: Concepts, Strategies and Application
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