Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Executive Summary

This report examines basic recycling by individual families and the effect it can have on their carbon footprint. The purpose of this report is to provide American households with the necessary information needed to make an informed decision regarding basic recycling. This report covers what is considered basic recycling and how much of a difference each type of product that is recycled can reduce the carbon footprint of the average American household.

According to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), rising levels of Greenhouse gases (GHG) are slowly changing the climate of the world. Greenhouse gases consist of several different gases and are not just a result of human activity. They do occur naturally. Greenhouse gases absorb heat from the sun and retain this heat, which causes the atmosphere to be warm. These gases include:

  • Water vapor
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Methane
Decomposition of municipal solid waste is one of the biggest contributors of methane which traps over 21 times more heat than carbon dioxide (“Climate change and Waste”).

All life, human and otherwise, depends on our environment and our climate for survival. If our climate were to change, it could throw off the balance of the life cycle on earth as we know it. No one can predict how severe this would be or the magnitude of the effect on human life. One thing is clear, and that is we need to start protecting our environment.

The carbon footprint of a household is the summation of all Greenhouse gases that are released into the environment because of the actions of that given household. All of the energy we use, all of the products that we buy, and all of the trash that we throw away, increases our carbon footprint.

Almost everything can be recycled. Everything from electronics to newspapers, and from plastic to yard clippings, can be recycled to reduce a household carbon footprint. However, this report focuses on basic household recycling. Basic household recycling includes:

  • Paper
  • Plastic
Examples are given to show how the reduction of your carbon footprint can be measured. Research shows specific data that describes exactly how much an individual family can reduce their carbon footprint.

The research data presented leads to the definite conclusion that basic recycling can be very effective in reducing the carbon footprint of the individual family. Not only is it beneficial to the environment, there is a definite economical benefit that can be seen as well. Based on these conclusions, the recommendations are:

  • Check with your local government or community to determine any programs that may already be in place for basic recycling
  • Participate in these programs to their fullest extent
  • If no program exists, contact your local government or community leaders in an attempt to get a responsible program started that can benefit your community.
  • Sit down with your family to discuss the importance of recycling so that a program can be implemented that will have the support of the entire family.

Prepared by  •  Michael Vance