Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Conclusions & Recommendations

Basic recycling can be very effective in reducing the carbon footprint of the individual family evidenced by the facts that (1) when a household recycles half of their waste, it can save 2400 pounds of carbon dioxide, and (2) recycling is economically beneficial because it saves money and creates jobs.

Basic recycling can be very beneficial to the environment. If the average American family of four were to recycle all of its mixed plastic waste, nearly 340 pounds of carbon equivalent emissions could be reduced each year. Additionally, if half of every 100 tons of paper that is thrown away was recycled, there would be a net GHG emissions savings of -65 MTCE. These facts lead to the conclusion that recycling will reduce the carbon footprint of the average American Family. These benefits can be measured on a person level by using the “Carbon Footprint Calculator” found at the website of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Considering the information provided in this report, I offer the following recommendations for consideration by the American Public that are interested in reducing their carbon footprint:

  • Check with your local government or community to determine any programs that may already be in place for basic recycling
  • Participate in these programs to their fullest extent
  • If no program exists, contact your local government or community leaders in an attempt to get a responsible program started that can benefit your community.
  • Sit down with your family to discuss the importance of recycling so that a program can be implemented that will have the support of the entire family.
When individual families can band together with community or government programs to, at a minimum, recycle paper and plastic, the reduction of your personal carbon footprint can be multiplied to a point that all will reap the wide reaching benefits.

Prepared by  •  Michael Vance