
This page serves as a collection of errata in works that I have published. It is organized by paper/work, and the errtum/errata is/are listed after the paper.

  • Kelley, M. C., & Tucker, B. V. (2018). A comparison of input types to a deep neural network-based forced aligner. Proc. Interspeech 2018, 1205-1209.
    • In the Algorithm 1 on page 1206, lines 19-24 specify using an argmax function and backward-traversing the result to find the alignment. This is not guaranteed to find the optimal path that led to the last cell in the dynamic programming matrix. Instead, a standard backtracking algorithm should be used, considering [i, j-1] and [i-1, j-1] (but not [i-1, j]) as potential progenitors of the current cell.