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Policy Analysis and System Monitoring

Policy Analysis as a subcategory that constitutes the conduct of analyses whereas System Monitoring relates to the development of a variety of data collection and evaluation systems. Such research is critical to the conduct of FHWA national policy analyses and development as well as to the development of data and tools used by the transportation community at large.

This research serves three distinct goals:

  • Efficient and timely collection, management, and dissemination of data concerning highway transportation and its intermodal connections.

  • Development of information and analytical tools to make more effective use of highway program funds by decision makers at various governmental levels.

  • Analysis of the relationships between the highway program and various National goals (e.g., improved productivity, economic efficiency, environmental quality, and equity) as a means to enhance highway program contributions in these areas.

The goal of the policy and allied research programs is to foster informed decision-making at the National level, ensuring that the Nation's priorities and policies are based on a full understanding of national trends and influences reflected in national economic conditions, interagency policies, and jurisdictional relationships. There is much in common with priority and policy setting at the State, local level, and the interest of the transportation community at large; there is much potential transferability in the tools and findings.

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