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RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM (Transportation Research Board)
- Technical Activities Division
- Studies and Information Services
The Studies and Information Services Division of the Transportation Research Board is responsible for transportation policy studies, syntheses of current highway and transit practice, digests of transportation legal research, and transportation information services. The information services include the TRB Library and the Transportation Research Information Services. Staff support for the Research and Technology Coordinating Committee is also provided by this Division.
- Policy Studies
The Transportation Research Board has built a strong, nationally recognized policy study program since the Executive Committee initiated this activity in 1982. More than 45 studies have been conducted in response to requests by Congress, executive branch agencies, and the states on a wide array of transportation topics, including maximum speed limits, highway design, truck sizes and weights, airport capacity, transit research, high-speed rail, airline deregulation, and the relationship between highway capacity expansion and air quality. Each study is conducted by an independent committee of volunteer experts appointed by the National Research Council to ensure that appropriate expertise and perspectives are represented. The final reports are reviewed according to National Research Council policies. These procedures ensure that TRB policy studies are balanced and fair assessments of often controversial issues. The results of the policy studies are generally published in the Special Reports series.
- Study Summary
In 1987 Congress authorized a Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), which was a highly focused, $150 million, 5-year effort designed to improve the performance of highway materials and highway maintenance practices. The SHRP program has received considerable support because it set clear goals and focused applied research funded from the Highway Trust Fund on solving major problems facing highway agencies and the motoring public. Now that the focus of the first SHRP effort is on implementation of results, Congress has requested that the Transportation Research Board initiate a new process of setting priorities and designing a program for another focused R&D effort. The study was initiated in January 1999 and is scheduled to be completed by October 2001.
Major Activities
- Establish committee to guide work and author report to Congress.
- Conduct outreach to major stakeholders to identify potential areas of focus for the future research program.
- Develop and apply criteria to select actual focus areas for research program.
- Develop research agenda.
- Develop funding needs and administrative structure.
Committee Members
C. Michael Walton, University of Texas at Austin, Chair,br>Bradley L. Mallory, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Vice Chair Joel D. Anderson, California Trucking Association E. Dean Carlson, Kansas Department of Transportation Frank L. Danchetz, Georgia Department of Transportation Henry E. Dittmar, Great American Station Foundation Francis B. Francois, AASHTO (retired) David R. Gehr, Virginia Department of Transportation (formerly) Susan Martinovich, Nevada Department of Transportation Herbert H. Richardson, Texas Transportation Institute Henry G. Schwartz, Jr., Sverdrup Civil, Inc. Thomas R. Warne, Utah Department of Transportation David K. Willis, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
Principle TRB Contact
Ann M. Brach, Ph.D., P.E. Study Director Transportation Research Board 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418 Phone: (202) 334-2242 Fax: (202) 334-2527 E-mail: abrach@nas.edu