Welcome to My Personal Website

About Me

I am a second year Electrical Engineering PhD student at the North Carolina State University. I graduated magna cum laude from George Mason University with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering (Minor in Computer Science). In the last few years I interned in multiple laboratories including the Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics Laboratory (LAIRLab) at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University and the Distributed Autonomous Systems Group at the Naval Research Laboratory. I am currently working on textile based wearable sensors and contributing on other research projects in the iBionicS lab at NC State University.

More about me in my CV

Research Interests

Although the best definition of the role of robots include helping humans with their daily life, there is a growing gap between the humans and their robots in terms of the ability to interact seamlessly and effectively. Toward this end I am excited about filling the gap between humans and their robots by innovating current wearable sensors in new directions. In neuro-rehabilitation, beyond supporting human’s daily activities, robots can incorporate physical exercises into these activities as part of the therapy. An important interfacing challenge here is to make robots more “social” by making them aware of their partner’s physical, physiological and emotional levels during interaction. I would like to solve this problem with an interdisciplinary approach by designing textile-integrated, flexible, wearable sensors for a more natural interaction.

Recent Events:

-2016 IEEE Sensors Paper about Tactile Sensor False Positive Detection Published
-2016 IEEE Sensors Paper about Soft Tactile Sensors Published
-2016 IEEE EMBC Paper about a Textile Wearable Sensor Published
-2016 IEEE EMBC Paper about a Wearable Monitoring System for Dogs Published
-Started Serving as the President of ECE Graduate Student Association
-2016 IEEE ICUAS Paper Published
-2015 NCUR abstract got accepted
-2015 FSR Paper Preprint
-Senior Design mid year document submitted
-Finished Machine Learning from Andrew Ng with a grade of 99%
-Second Blog Post in the University Research Blog
-Started Leading a Senior Design Team
-Awarded the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program Grant! Again!
-Presented a Poster at the Robotics Institute, CMU
-Started Interning at the Robotics Institute, CMU


Currently updating this part (last updated: 01/23/2015)

Search and Rescue

This project explores the civilian uses of MAVs in Search and Rescue.

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Search and Rescue MAV

Senior Design Project


Includes all of my Computer Vision Projects

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Computer Vision

Matlab + OpenCV


Funded by the ONR, Bird project aims at developing technologies to enable safe cluttered environment flight for small UAVs

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Bird Muri

Summer Internship

MMUAV Visual Sevoing

This project shows how the 3D printed arms work with a quadcopter for visual servoing.

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MMUAV Visual Sevoing

UAV + 3D printed arms

Humanoid Robotics

Using Openrave and Hubo-Ach I simulated many of my assignments. During these assignments I learned a lot about humanoid robotics and Inverse Kinematics.

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Humanoid Robotics

A class homework

Stereo Vision

Using Computer Vision tools and stereo vision I was able to make a control loop to make a differential drive robot follow a colored box. I mainly used the gazebot software to simulate the algorithms.

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Stereo Vision

with Visual Servoing


Timeline of activities related to research (currently updating)

  • Summer 2013

    Volunteering at the Autonomous Robotics Lab

    Over the summer of 2013 I contributed in the Flockbots project. Our main objective in the FlockBot project was to design and code a prototype robot that could be used for Multi-agent research. This project has paramount importance for me not just because I got a chance to link my coursework to my interests but because it made me realize the different opportunities in robotics research.

  • Fall 2013 - Spring 2014

    Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

    Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim. Donec porttitora entum suscipit aenean rhoncus posuere odio in tincidunt. Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim. Donec porttitora entum suscipit aenean rhoncus posuere odio in tincidunt.

  • Summer 2014

    Robotics Institute Summer Scholars Program, CMU

    Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim. Donec porttitora entum suscipit aenean rhoncus posuere odio in tincidunt. Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni.

  • Fall 2014 - Spring 2015

    Senior design project

    Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim. Donec porttitora entum suscipit aenean rhoncus posuere odio in tincidunt. Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim. Donec porttitora entum suscipit aenean.